If the panic mongers were consistent, we’d close the schools every flu season – IOTW Report

If the panic mongers were consistent, we’d close the schools every flu season


by Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Review.com 

On December 17, 2014, Rebecca Taylor received a call from the school nurse in her daughter Scarlet’s Tacoma, Washington, school saying that Scarlet had a fever and Rebecca should pick her up. Two days later, and after just four hours of being in the hospital from what should have been a routine flu in an otherwise healthy child, Scarlet was dead.

While this was a rare tragic story, it’s less rare than parallel stories of COVID-19, yet nobody ever thought to shut schools during the flu season.

Adam Ratner, an NYU physician of pediatric infectious disease, noted that so far this season he has had young patients who have developed life-threatening pneumonias and needed surgeries to drain abscesses in their chests — and most of these children were perfectly healthy before they got the flu.

That is a quote from a CNN article on January 7 about the deadliness of the flu season to children in a year when the seasonal flu killed 174 school-age children. Yet, like most facts that can be gleaned through extensive research online, if it’s not published incessantly in daily headline news and obsessed about by the media-political complex, people don’t know about it. And if they don’t know about it, they are not scared of it.

The reality is that every flu season, many more children die from this common ailment than have from COVID-19. And unlike with COVID-19, where the rare pediatric deaths are among those who have serious conditions, many of the flu deaths occur in perfectly healthy children. According to the CDC, “influenza is dangerous to children,” and during the 2017-2018 flu season, which everyone forgets was considered a pandemic, the federal agency estimates that the actual number of pediatric deaths was closer to 600. read more

9 Comments on If the panic mongers were consistent, we’d close the schools every flu season

  1. To paraphrase Orwell ‘It was a political disease’. The entire exercise is mainly to crush the economy and defeat Trump. None of this garbage would be going on if it wasn’t an election year and if we were still in Obozo’s Reign of Error.

  2. It’s going to be fun when the idiot school districts realize that the extra federal funds they get for educating each military child attending a civilian school won’t be paid, because NO SCHOOL

    And expect state and local taxes to soar, due to loss Income due to loss of work, commerce, and businesses THE IDIOTS SHUT DOWN.

    Americans will pay heavily for their own capitulation and the tolerance of thugs and commie dictator elected officials “Burning Down The House”!

  3. My kids went to a year-round elementary school in an area with many (not quite mostly) immigrant families from all over the world. Our flu season always started in late July, as kids, or people in their household, came back from visiting relatives in their home countries.

    The yearly flu vaccines are not usually ready until October. By then, in our neighborhood, the various strains had already mutated.

  4. Keep your kid home on a computer. He’s less likely to be raped by an employee or overdose as he would be in the public school.

    Close the public schools

  5. They are consistent. ANYTHING they can do to make our President look evil, incompetent, clueless or stupid will be done.

    If it means tanking an entire state’s economy causing economic nightmares for millions of people and 1,000s of small businesses, it will be done.

    If it means no weddings, funerals, card games, BBQs, haircuts, camp outs, tattoos, graduations…it will be done.

    If it means your kid is going to miss a couple of years of schooling at the most critical ages, yep, it’ll be done.

    If it means pumping non stop, 24/7 bullshit into our homes, again, it’ll be done.

    If our history, culture, traditions and values can be burned to the ground, if it somehow can be blamed on Trump, score it.

    I find an amazing consistent stream of this crap unbroken by logic, truth or facts.

  6. We’ve been asking if we should shut down every flu season.
    People who are buying their daily dose of fear scoff and say the flu isn’t as dangerous.
    The Chinese Virus hasn’t killed anyone under 20 who didn’t have an underlying condition or who didn’t die in a motorcycle accident first.
    The flu kills people of all ages every year.

    Too bad more people don’t look beyond what they’re told to think by the talking heads on the fake news.
    And now that death rates are falling mask mandates are being issued? It’s all politics.

  7. They’re not closing the schools for the kids. They are closing them for the many, many morbidly obese teachers dragging a bunch of secondary complications. My kids have told me for years that most of their teachers are big fat women, and Curriculum Night does not put the lie to their claims. That’s the only time you get to see the people teaching your kids.

    White, black, brown…so many waddling tubs. And they are out of school “sick” all the damn time, anyway. At least the older substitutes appear to be healthier. The Teacher’s Union sure does deliver for their “Educators”. I can already tell that this “Remote Learning” is going to be a huge—and I do mean huge—failure.


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