If the Supremes don’t act soon, John Roberts will end up the scapegoat – IOTW Report

If the Supremes don’t act soon, John Roberts will end up the scapegoat

The Supreme Court had better get off their useless Trump-hating behinds and start ruling on general election fraud ASAP, or there will be hell to pay. 

30 Comments on If the Supremes don’t act soon, John Roberts will end up the scapegoat

  1. The SC is like the other agencies in DC now, none have any credibility or trust. With the likes of the crazed leftists sitting now, I doubt he can harm it more.

  2. Just who is going to make them pay? They’ve killed Epstein, Rich and all of the Cinton’ murders and no one has done a day, so just where is this “hell to pay” coming from.

  3. I’m afraid Roberts is perfectly fine being the scapegoat as long as whatever it is that he has done that has paved the way for him to be blackmailed isn’t disclosed. I expect it is more damning than just an illegal adoption.

  4. I lay this at the feet of the 3 Trump appointees. I don’t mean quid pro quo, I mean why the hell did he nominate them if they didn’t have the backbone to at least address the issue??? Thomas and Alito are already in. I expect nothing from the other 4.

  5. The Supremes really don’t have to address anything they don’t want to address.

    Mostly they prefer to settle issues where there have been conflicting rulings in different circuit appeals courts so they can establish a uniform code for all of them, to apply equally to the whole country, so people are treated equally by the law everywhere.

    Everyone seems to think they will rule in their favor, the way they want them to rule, but what would that be the case and why would they rule that way?

    I doubt they’ve forgotten the total screw up they made by taking on the Dred Scott case that ended up a few years later in a total civil war.

  6. OK I gotta say something, and it’s off topic:

    For those of you whose comments are disappearing because of the word “socialism”, know that we did NOT ban that word.
    If it is banned, it ain’t done by us. So just type the word with a space or a period in it til I can figure this shit out.

  7. Life long liberal Roberts is exhibit #1 why the lefty pudtting hime there may be America’s all time worst president.

    I have a dog in the race.

    16 years ago I said the lefty GWB picked John because he was the most liberal judge in America.

    dIf you think John was not always a liberal it tell me you did not do your homework 16 years ago. I DID MINE!

  8. These swamp dwellers only care about their bank accounts and that none of the big dirt the puppet masters have doesn’t get out.
    And who’s going to make any of the judiciary pay?
    No one on the face of the earth.
    They won’t have to pay until they meet God.

  9. “OK I gotta say something, and it’s off topic:”

    I gotta suggestion; if your current administrator can’t fix this bug or fix the site so that the “edit” button is present, hire someone.

    If necessary, have a fund raiser for site maintenance. If every regular kicks in say 10 bucks, we could get this site purring like a Ferrari.

    Mastering WordPress is computer science 101 for college kids. This seems like a pretty ease fix.


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