If The Twilight Zone was Southern – IOTW Report

If The Twilight Zone was Southern

15 Comments on If The Twilight Zone was Southern

  1. Kind of a repeat of what happened in the 1860s.
    Then the damn Yankees invaded. In this story their attitudes and culture invaded and destroyed. Build the wall.

  2. I live in the Pacific NW and use the term cattywampus all the time, I first heard it from my mom and then my wife who liked to use it when everything was all messed up. Maybe my wife learned it from her dad who was from Kentucky and her grandparents who were tobacco famers in Kentucky. And I love that this was done in b&w. If the surrogate Rod Serling had a cigarette and smoked like a chimney like Rod Serling did he also would get cancer and die from it.

  3. Funny!

    There are some places in the North that are S*L*O*W! Moving from the Twin Cities in MN to small-town MI was a true lesson in slow. Check-out lines are the worst. Sometimes I wonder if people are applying for mortgages for the time they spend yapping with the cashiers!

    But, I’ve almost gotten used to it now after nearly two years!

    Edit: geoff the aardvark, yes, I use it, too. Although, it’s kittywampus where I grew up (MidWest MI).

  4. When I retired, moved from Slowvannah across the river to Slow Carolina.
    Glad I’m retired now and never in a hurry, it would give some palpitations.

  5. I noticed after moving to the South that they only move fast for what’s known as the “3 F’s”, Fishing, Fightin’ & yeah, you guessed the third one.

    What’s the difference between a Southern Baptist and a Protestant?
    The Protestant will talk to you in line at the liquor store!

    Happy Friday Y’all…

  6. Funny stuff.
    I spent most of my youth in the South and now live in southern MO (don’t know if that counts – most of MO sided with the Yankee Invaders) but we are of a slower pace (at least slower than MD and DC).

    izlamo delenda est …


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