If there is no coverage, there is no scandal – IOTW Report

If there is no coverage, there is no scandal

Jonathan Turley-

Media and Biden administration cover up these three scandals in ‘scandal-free’ year.

With the conclusion of the first year of the Biden administration, White House chief of staff Ron Klain sought to end on a high, or at least higher, note by retweeting a column saying that 2021 was not “all bad.” It was like bragging that a bad first date told you that the evening could have been worse. 

However, what really stood out in the column by Albert Hunt was the key rationale: the first year was “scandal free.” 

Calling 2021 “scandal free” is not merely an example of blinkered commentary, it is an exercise of willful blindness. This is why magicians often make audience members part of the illusion. Houdini did not actually make his 10,000-pound elephant Jennie disappear. It was there the whole time, but the audience did not want to see it. That’s the trick.

At his inauguration, President Joe Biden promised the return of good government and newspapers like the Washington Post heralded the end to Trump’s “­scandal-plagued single term.” Now, at the end of the first year, readers are being asked to “think back four years ago: The Trump administration looked more like ‘The Godfather’ – without the skill.”

There is ample reason for the White House and many in the media to celebrate the lack of scandals in the Biden administration because it was a collective effort. Of course, four years ago, the media was all-in on the Russian collusion allegations. The media was doing non-stop coverage of the Steele dossier with little scrutiny or effort to uncover those who funded it. 

The dossier was later discredited and American intelligence warned that Russian intelligence may have used it to plant disinformation. While the Clinton campaign repeatedly denied funding the dossier, it was revealed (after the election) that not only did the Clinton campaign fund and push the dossier but also allegedly lied to Congress, the media, and the FBI. Clinton campaign chair John Podesta allegedly denied such funding to congressional staff. According to reports, sitting next to him was Clinton attorney Marc Elias (who was later found to have funded the dossier through the Clinton campaign’s legal account). more here

9 Comments on If there is no coverage, there is no scandal

  1. I used to be a news junkie. But for the past couple of years, I haven’t bothered to watch it at all because the “journalists” do is nothing more than repeat what they have been told to say and to avoid certain subjects including Biden’s incompetence and the probable negative implications of Hunter Biden’s actions.

    I can still see, and I frequently see the President of the United States wandering around like the confused old man he is. Although ostensibly the most powerful man in the world, he is not permitted to answer any questions at a press briefing. He is given a script, and it is obvious that (a) he is instructed not to deviate from the script, and (b) he does anyway because he can’t read from a teleprompter.

    No one is fooled by the “lack of any scandal.” We have an incompetent old fool occupying the office of President, and that is readily apparent to anyone who wants to see.

  2. Fuck Joe Biden* is Woodrow Wilson v2.0

    Except that even after a massive brain-drooling stroke like Wilson had, he still had more smarts than Greezy Joe ever had in his entire lifetime.


    Heard about the blizzard that stuck all those cars in D.C. They said global warming blah blah blah.I went looking for other blizzards in history not global warming connected.

    Ohio. 1978. Cheese and crackers what a blizzard. An I’ve never heard a thing about it. Does anyone remember this? If so, what the hell, man? I’m reading about it and it sounds like snowpocalypse.

    Assuming I’ve never heard about it because it doesn’t fit the agenda.

  4. As long as you don’t get in trouble I’ve always like blizzards. We always had access to snow machines and firewood so I’d like to think we were prepared. I can imagine those guys in Ohio weren’t really prepared.


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