If they’re telling you now, they’ve already been doing it. – IOTW Report

If they’re telling you now, they’ve already been doing it.

The US Military Is Taking Generative AI Out for a Spin.

Bloomberg: Matthew Strohmeyer is sounding a little giddy. The US Air Force colonel has been running data-based exercises inside the US Defense Department for years. But for the first time, he tried a large-language model to perform a military task.

“It was highly successful. It was very fast,” he tells me a couple of hours after giving the first prompts to the model. “We are learning that this is possible for us to do.”

Large-language models, LLMs for short, are trained on huge swaths of internet data to help artificial intelligence predict and generate human-like responses to user prompts. They are what power generative AI tools such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard.

Five of these are being put through the paces as part of a broader series of Defense Department experiments that are focused on developing data integration and digital platforms across the military. The exercises are run by the Pentagon’s digital and AI office and military top brass, with participation from US allies. The Pentagon won’t say which LLMs are in testing, though Scale AI, a San Francisco-based startup, says its new Donovan product is among the LLM platforms being tested.

The use of LLMs would represent a major shift for the military, where so little is digitized or connected. Currently, making a request for information to a specific part of the military can take several staffers hours or even days to complete, as they jump on phones or rush to make slide decks, Strohmeyer says.

In one test, one of the AI tools completed a request in 10 minutes.

11 Comments on If they’re telling you now, they’ve already been doing it.

  1. You mean they are building a model based on how many squats the gals can do while the guys provide the thrusts? Of course for the FAGS it’s strictly a guy-guy thing.

  2. I would like to say that Humanity Had a Good Run but History Books don’t really support that.

    The Greeks
    Pax Romana
    And for a while the PAX AMERICANA but that’s over now.

    Oddly, it always ends with the & corruption.

  3. That’s marvelous, but AI ain’t going to help you meet recruiting goals, stop the MIC from producing overpriced, obsolete junk or meep the military academies from churning out woke, cretinous desk jockeys.

    And if “…making a request for information to a specific part of the military can take several staffers hours or even days to complete…” why do you need AI to solve that problem? Is AI going to fire all the affirmative action goldbricks and gay nincompoops? No? Then Colonel Strohmeyer is just another Pentagon grifter with a shiny toy, looking for more money.

    If AI is great, the colonel had better not ask AI if we should be sending weapons to Ukraine. That could be a real research project killer.


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