“If you are quiet right now, we don’t want to hear from you in 2024. There will be receipts.” – IOTW Report

“If you are quiet right now, we don’t want to hear from you in 2024. There will be receipts.”

Republican 2024 Hopefuls Can Speak Now or Shut up in Four Years.

Red State:

With Arizona coming down to the wire and irregularities in Pennsylvania’s vote counting, the race for the presidency could not possibly be closer. If Trump manages to take both states, he is re-elected. If Biden picks up just one (or takes Georgia after more ballots have been “found“), then Democrats will retake the White House.

That means that now is the time to fight, and Republican voters are suddenly paying very close attention to who is willing to stand up right now and who is cowering in the corner.

Ron DeSantis has not been quiet. He went on Fox News last night and sounded off on a range of issues, from Fox News’ ridiculously early call of Arizona even while it’s clearly in play, to the need for the GOP to fight tooth and nail now that things are so close. That now has DeSantis sitting atop many people’s wish list for 2024.

And speaking of 2024, those Republican hopefuls that chose to go mute during this time should just shut up four years from now. Voters are not going to forget who folded and who stood up and demanded accountability for some of the current insanity going on in these states still counting votes. more here

20 Comments on “If you are quiet right now, we don’t want to hear from you in 2024. There will be receipts.”

  1. If Biden is allowed to cheat and win, and if the dems manage to flip the senate through fraud, it won’t matter who runs in 2024. Sorry to be so blunt, but this is it for America. We become a one party governed country. We’ll start out looking like California, then as things spiral down the drain, we become Venezuela. Not much of a future.

  2. The big problem with letting the bull shit stand, and letting them get away with this, is next time they will be even more in control. The nation is one election cycle behind California. That’s no bull shit. No matter how conservative the nation trends or hates the policies these Socialist put in place we will never have control again. It will all be an illusions of democracy just like it is in California right now. And when it reaches that point there’s only one way to take the country back. The sad thing is, in reality, it’s a handful of people causing this.

  3. It is one thing to speak up now after the fact but where were any republicans when the states in question changed fo mail in ballots this year? Trump has been pointing out the issues that arise in mail in ballot races on his own with no support at every debate, every rally and often when he addressed the press. Only DeSantis went out of his way to ensure a fair election and speak to issues. This just feels like some are hedging their bets in case the lion beats the odds and roars back. I will never vote for an establishment hack again. So while they gloat about taking back the party, good luck. I would be more fearful of civilian Trump and his family than Trump 2.0. Trump owns the party no matter what the outcome.

  4. Anonymous there were people in state legislature that were complaining. Even in PA. Also, They tweet, get blocked. Their facebook pages get blocked. FOX? LOL. If FOX brought them on, they said, “Come onnn maaaan! Why don’t you want voters safe during corona???”

    Yes, I too hope Trump and the Trump fam and friends cause a ruckus on the outside if it comes down to it.

  5. Brad is arguing we can’t let it stand. We either fight right now and win our country back, or we shut up, go away and forget it.

    I see three legal options short of war:

    (1) Win the recounts and legal actions in the States involved in the fraud.

    (2) Prove the fraud to SCOTUS and get the election nullified, thereafter holding a new, verified election for President.

    (3) The States call for an Article V. Convention Of The States, suspending Congress while re-writing the Constitution to guarantee no Federal election fraud and directing a new election afterwards.

  6. I know some people are still watching FOX, but I’m telling you, in current times the old media is dead, like DEAD at least since the early 2000s.
    WE are the media. WE are. The blogs, the independent reporters, the video bloggers, and the guy on the street, pirate radio. lol.
    That’s just how it is.

  7. Oh, I am taking down more than selected pieces of shit’s names. I have blocked family members on my phone and from my life. Yes I blame the mask wearing, hiding in my house idiots as well. Plus they are Democrats. The thing is though it doesn’t matter if they get away with it then in 2 years they will control all 3 branches through selection. In 4 years there will be very few if any red states. Welcome to communist USA.

  8. It just makes me shake my head. I’m supposed to believe that people were picking biden and then voting republican down-ticket?

    It’s ‘mail in’ ballots with biden checked and the rest is left blank.

  9. Covid was part of the plan. Meaning we have U.S. citizens that colluded with the Chinese to kill Americans and destroy our economy. And now it will be covered up forever.

  10. Brad, we all knew it was part of the plan. We’ve tried to get people to see it all year. They refused to listen and instead told us to quit being crazy and stop killing Grandma.

  11. This was the last straw. They ARE going to let them get away with it. The republican party is full of the biggest pussies in American History. I am done with them. Hail Stacey Abrams! Dictator for life!

  12. I like this idea from AOS:

    “Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, and any other states with known corrupt cities, should immediately move to apportion electoral votes separately from the rest of the state.”

    Totally Constitutional. F—k the fraudsters and their downtown hustles. Let them stay up all night manufacturing bullshit voats. I don’t care if they phony up 1000% of their scummy district. They only get one electoral vote for their district.

  13. I’m starting to see signs of PJ Media going back to Orange Man Bad, there is one post up now, Trump Campaign Says It Has Evidence of Voter Fraud — It’s Time to Put up or Shut Up. Will Red State, Townhall and Twitchy follow? Yes I haven’t forgotten how they acted. If I remember correctly they’re all part of Salem Media along with HotAir that has never quit being anti-Trump with Allahpundit.

    The truth is there are really only IOTW, CTH, GP(although sometimes they can be annoying, they’ve always been 100% Trump) who have been in Trump’s corner since the 2016 General Election began.

  14. We wouldn’t be in this situation if Mittens would have contested some of the fraud in 2012. He may not have won—perhaps it’s best he didn’t— but perhaps that machine would have gotten more exposure so we wouldn’t be dealing with this crap at this level. That guy was the worst investment our family ever made.


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