If You Hate the Patriarchy, Give Us Back Our Electricity – IOTW Report

If You Hate the Patriarchy, Give Us Back Our Electricity

ROK: Down with the Patriarchy!” shouts a blue-haired, non-binary, non-gender conforming thing at the top of its shrill lungs. Has the world gone mad? Has the apocalypse finally come? What is going on here? Is there a virus in the water? No, it’s just Tuesday at a University in America. And the blue-haired, shrieking thing happens to be your professor. Have fun at school fellas!

Traditional Gender Roles

In traditional society, women’s role was to maintain the household, raise the children, and care for her husband. The men ventured outside of the household to hunt, make war, build and gather resources.

In primitive society, where the physicality of existence had not yet been supplanted by technology, there was no way around these rules. Women spent their days cooking, cleaning and caring, sometimes until their knuckles bled. Men tilled the fields or chopped down trees or stalked animals and opposing warriors from dusk till dawn. Sometimes they didn’t make it home.

Men could not (and still can not) give birth and breast feed. Women could not (generally speaking) throw spears as far and as fast as men. So there wasn’t much room for negotiating gender roles. The roles were appointed by nature.

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9 Comments on If You Hate the Patriarchy, Give Us Back Our Electricity

  1. @Mark S. McGrew

    I’m sure one of her students at Palo Alto U. or Stanford probably recorded one of her lectures. I think with the new revelations coming out about her, that sort of thing might be selling for a hefty premium. Her future prosecutions might hinge on such things.

  2. Two words……Sex Robot………….

    That will prevent many metrosexual nerds from dating these weirdo women. The rest of us that know what normal relationships look like will carry on.

    And on the off topic, my guess is that Christine (hyphenated) married one of those kinda guys. Imagine the snakes in that head that.

  3. Backstabbing, gossip, rumor mongering, slander… Damn sounds like he’s been to my workplace. Last week the office snek anonymously reported me to HR for something I didn’t actually say, about breaking a rule that doesn’t actually exist.

  4. The average man can choke down the average woman in 90 seconds.
    Regardless of the braying and caterwauling, that’s just the way it is.
    Even now, in the era of soy-boys with pussy-hats.

    Civilization lives (and dies) by its myths and legends.
    The nihilists are attempting to change those myths and legends to the detriment of said civilization. They are incapable of changing the fundaments (as has always been the case) so they change what they can – feminize men (see Herodotus, in re: Cyrus and Sardis) and provide women with a false sense of worth – every fantasy ensured by the government, as opposed to nature (God).

    We should be alert to our danger, but the shot and arrows seem to be falling faster than we can discern, although the source is quite plain if we just pay attention.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The only thing protecting women, indeed giving them a false bravery, is civility! End civility and women go back to the dark ages as Mother Nature (in order to ensure the continuation of the species) gave men both the sexual desire and the physical strength to take what they want when they want and how they want! In that situation, women are totally subservient! Kind of like how the Muslims do it!

  6. @Anonymous September 28, 2018 at 9:14 am

    > The only thing protecting women, indeed giving them a false bravery, is civility!

    What a cuck!

    The only thing enmaddening women, indeed giving them false bravery, is evil — not merely cowardly, but proudly evil — men. Demanding the cowardice of other, foolish — perhaps, merely stupid — men. Who insist, when faced with thieves, in the bright light of day, that “good” men, “honorable” men, men of “integrity”, “man up” and pay. Not heroically — though, corrosive to the bonds of civility, for setting oneself above, sets one self apart — slaying the thieves. Making civilization safer. Not seeking the bonds of brotherhood, and gathering his brothers together, in arms, exterminating the thieves that harry them, all. Making civilization safer. And, in either case, insisting the women that opened the gate for said thieves, clean up the mess. No. Men of evil, insist that “good” men, “honorable” men, men of “integrity”, always grovel before thieves. And make them a sammich. And thank them for their service. Oh, and cuck. Loudly.

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