If You’re Calling for Biden’s Removal, You’re Helping Democrats – IOTW Report

If You’re Calling for Biden’s Removal, You’re Helping Democrats


When former President Donald Trump accepted the challenge to debate President Joe Biden historically early in the election cycle before the party conventions even officially sealed the nominees in place, my ‘Spidey’ senses started tingling. How could this be good for Trump, I wondered? If the former president somehow lost the debate or had a few bad moments, Democrats – who are much better at making political hay than Republicans – would have four full months to run with it. But if Trump dominated the dementia patient as expected, Democrats would have longer to adjust their game and recover or, if things got really bad, enough time to actually replace Biden at the top of the ticket.

Well, as all of us witnessed last week, things got really, really bad for Biden. Yes, Trump did a great job dismantling the walking corpse, and he deserves kudos. But let’s be real, any of us with an IQ over 100 and a couple of Toastmasters sessions under our belts could have done the same thing. Ironically, Biden’s performance did seem to unify the country that night, but only by invoking pity and a desire to see the feeble president removed from office. more

18 Comments on If You’re Calling for Biden’s Removal, You’re Helping Democrats

  1. The Biden campaign has always been a proxy election. Everyone knows that Biden will never finish out his second term and Kamala Harris will assume the presidency. Nothing has changed. Even if Biden drops out, Kamala will be the nominee.

  2. Biden needs to stay in the race and the Demoncrats need quit trying to replace him. Not even the ballot stuffers are going to help him and the illegals are soon going to run out of their freebee’s so you can scratch their illegal votes. You had to be a dumb fuck to vote for him in the first place and his dumb fuck supporters will either not vote or vote for Trump. Now, if we can get the so called republicans to get off their asses and vote, we might have a chance. So you republicans trying to dump Bidev had better wake up and knock it off.

  3. Two things that the media doesn’t seem to mention –

    Jackass Joe had a week or so to prepare for the “debate”. Why?? Three and half years of “doing the job” should have been all the preparation he should need! Nobody seems to want to mention that fact!

    For three and a half years democRATz have been operating in the background under the cover of a cardboard cut-out of a “President” with the mental agility of a small soap dish! Nobody seems to want to mention that fact either!

    The fact of the matter is that Jackass Joe has a damn dummy for over half a century. Now, and for many years, he’s a demented, damn dummy the the democRATz have taken advantage of to hoodwink, rob and destroy the American way of life with.

  4. Some one better let that brain surgeon Chip Roy in on that little secret.
    However, team Brain Dead has just come out and said that if, if, he were to step down they prefer Kami to step in. The debate between her and Trump would be worth it.

  5. Biden?
    Knob Gobbler?
    Flaccid Penis?

    I see three possibilities:

    Joetato/Knob Gobbler
    Knob Gobbler/Thunder Thighs
    Flaccid Penis/Anyone

    Either a black Obama ‘wife’ (Flaccid Penis), Potato Head or the Knob Gobbler will be the Democrat candidate for President in 2024

  6. … but what if he stays in and still “wins”…?

    I’m afraid The Big Steal is still on the schedule. They need it to be big and obvious to everyone so that the pushback will be equally large, thus triggering an even larger increase in federal power and a crackdown on liberties.

  7. After they dump Joe they will blame all of the chaos in the country on the Biden’s bad decisions (illegal immigration, spending, inflation etc…). Joe’s dementia and Jill’s ego are to blame for the state of things.

    The NEXT Dem President vows to fight for you and to save the country from both Trump and what the Biden’s did!

    *thump*thump* goes the bus…

  8. Somebody suggested they could do this.

    Kamel steps aside so Barky Himself can be VP, which she’ll do on promise of an SC appointment. Everyone’s OK with this because, Black. That gives them ‘star power’ to at least make the next steal plausible, and Pedo steps aside on November 6th, then Chocolate Jeebus gets another term for reals without even fronting, circumventing the law yet again like they love doing because it didnt anticipate that.

    And no one can question any of it because THAT’S RAYYYCISS!

  9. …or, they let President Trump “win”, do everything they can to stand in his way and start wars, then blame the ensuing collapse and/or apocalypse on HIM, so whatever cockroaches survive the nuking can be fooled into voting for THEM to “fix Trump’s mess”.

  10. I am even considering this “aluminum hat” scenario as an eschatological Christian scholar:

    1. Barry Soetero steps forward to accept the VP slot.
    2. Pedo Joe is selected president in the election and since Black Jeebus was selected as VP (not POTUS) he ascends to the Position via the 25th amendment.
    3. The World is ecstatic and saved from chaos of a Trump presidency.
    4. Barry is asked to take over the UN leadership in greatful thanks (at this point if it hasn’t happened) Satan enters and possesses Barry Softer and becomes the anti-christ.
    5. Barry goes on to solve the Christian Right and Israel problems.

    Do I want it no, but can I for see it? Maybe.

  11. @SNS: you present a plausible scenario. I recall a political science professor stating that if LBJ had run for another term and won, he would have been president for 11 years.

    As a matter of pure politics, do I want to see Biden on the ticket? Yes, he is clearly mentally and perhaps physically incompetent, and clearly has not been in charge during his own presidency. Trump stands a great chance of winning.

    But is this good for the nation? No, currently we either have (1) an unknown person or persons actually calling the shots, or (2) a “leader” who frequently doesn’t know what he is doing. Even though we are in election season, there is still a window for bad actors, foreign or domestic, to take advantage of the situation. Although there are currently two terrible choices – Biden continuing or Harris succeeding him for a few months – in my opinion the lesser of two evils is Harris.

    The Democrats need Obama somewhere around the White House – they have no one else. They need him either as the First Husband if Michelle runs, or as a vice-president if Biden chooses to run again. Democrats are losing black voters, and Obama may be the only real or shadow candidate who can reverse this trend. The Democrats would rather have Michelle run so Obama has a chance of hanging around the White House for 8 years instead of 4 if Biden is the candidate.

    If Biden is still on the ticket come November, we will really be voting for a vice-president instead of a president.

  12. I’m not sure why the dems are even concerned about Biden’s ability or lack there of. Anyone they run will win, because nothing has been fixed from the 2020 steal. If Trump gets 90 million votes, the dem will get 100 million.

  13. It’s hard to think that any democrat, except maybe Mike Obama could come close to beating Trump. What worries me is the millions of illegals that get mail in ballots when they apply for welfare. Also, the DOJ has vowed to continue their lawfare, even if he wins. What would it look like if they tried to jail him before Inauguration Day?


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