If You’ve Got Nothing To Hide… – IOTW Report

If You’ve Got Nothing To Hide…

Russell Brand: After a request from the FDA to suppress vaccine data for the next 75 years, a 55,000-page set of Pfizer documents has recently been released.

Vaccine efficiency aside – why has it been so hard to gain access to data about vaccines that we the public paid for?

9 Comments on If You’ve Got Nothing To Hide…

  1. I guess Democrats who used Coof to steal elections forgot about saying this during their second fraudulent impeachment…

    “When my kids were younger we taught them to tell the truth.
    We all teach our kids to tell the truth. If you have got
    nothing to hide, honesty is the clearest path to putting
    trouble behind you. You know that is true. Everyone does.”
    -THEODORE E. DEUTCH, (D) FL, during impeachment trial to President Trump


    …so the best thing WE can do is take a page from their playbook, this one…
    “Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.”
    -Saul Alinsky, “Rules For Radicals”

    …so c’mon Democrats, whatcha ‘fraid of? Wont the truth of Coof set you free?

    …its almost like they think maybe it won’t…

  2. What we know:
    Covid 19 – Manufactured virus/flu.
    Treatment – FAKE/Withheld truth of cures that work.
    Vaccine – FAKE
    Election – FAKE
    I’m sure the Ukraine war and global warming are just as real.

    All part of the plan.
    US Plan To Use Bioweapons To Create Prison Planet

    Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.pdf

  3. If the GOP takes the House, hearings should begin IMMEDIATELY – drag these bastards in front of cameras and expose them, Fauci, Brix, Wallensky and the like.

    But then, we have to worry that milquetoast Kevin McCarthy might become Speaker.


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