IG lets EPA off the hook using The Hillary Defense – IOTW Report

IG lets EPA off the hook using The Hillary Defense


DailyCaller: EPA Employees Are Not ‘Intentionally’ Breaking The Law By Deleting Official Texts

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials only archived 86 text messages out of 3.1 million agency employees sent and received in 2015, according to a federal watchdog’s report made public Wednesday by House Committee on Science, Space and Technology Chairman Lamar Smith.

The EPA Office of Inspector General (IG) released the report requested by the Texas Republican, which described enormous text message retention problems within the EPA. One unnamed senior official configured his phone to automatically delete texts after 30 days.

The IG claimed EPA officials never “intentionally” violated the Federal Records Act and did not include the low number of archived texts in the body of its report, relaying it instead to congressional staff.

Multiple federal laws and regulations require that officials preserve all documents — including email and text messages — created in the course of conducting official business of the U.S. government.

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11 Comments on IG lets EPA off the hook using The Hillary Defense

  1. EPA had much to hide from the public and business.
    Rules, laws and regulations regarding record retention are completely ignored.
    EPA must have attended Hillary Clinton’s school of Illegal activity. And the IG must have attended the FBI’s school of determining intent.

  2. Does this EPA OIG have a name? All I found was OIG. & IG. For now I will assume it’s Mr PIG.
    Is there a human being involved with this judgement? Which I find to be insulting.
    Is there a list of people or companies that violated EPA rules who were let off because they didn’t intentionally break the rules?

    Last I heard Trump has changed from drain the swamp to dip out a couple of buckets. I hope that is wrong.

  3. Have a company respond to an EPA records request by saying, “We deleted that data,” and see how far they get.

    Fire everyone involved and bar them from government employment for life.

  4. @ Racer X

    In my experience government employees fall mainly into two categories;

    1)Never had anything but a government job.

    2)Failed in whatever industry they are now regulating.

  5. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, right? Good. Create new laws via executive order without announcement, then fire every bureaucrat after they’ve broken the law. Just like us little people.

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