IG Report: Obama’s DOJ Tried To Influence FBI Clinton Foundation Probe – IOTW Report

IG Report: Obama’s DOJ Tried To Influence FBI Clinton Foundation Probe

The Lid: Missed until the Washinton Times put two and two together, the inspector general’s report about the leaking and lying of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was the story of Justice Department big shot calling McCabe with the purpose of interfering with the FBI’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation:

McCabe told the OIG that on August 12, 2016, he received a telephone call from PADAG [Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General] regarding the FBI’s handling of the CF Investigation (the “PADAG call”). McCabe said that PADAG expressed concerns about FBI agents taking overt steps in the CF Investigation during the presidential campaign. According to McCabe, he pushed back, asking “are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?” McCabe told us that the conversation was “very dramatic” and he never had a similar confrontation like the PADAG call with a high-level Department official in his entire FBI career.


On October 30, 2016, the WSJ gave a more detailed account which McCabe and the PADAG confirmed as accurate:

According to a person familiar with the probes, on Aug. 12, a senior Justice Department official called Mr. McCabe to voice his displeasure at finding that New York FBI agents were still openly pursuing the Clinton Foundation probe during the election season. Mr. McCabe said agents still had the authority to pursue the issue as long as they didn’t use overt methods requiring Justice Department approvals. more

10 Comments on IG Report: Obama’s DOJ Tried To Influence FBI Clinton Foundation Probe

  1. Justice Department collusion with the Clinton Global Enrichment Foundation! Imagine that development! It won’t be long now, and former Assistant FBI Director Andrew MaCabe will be weighing the benefits of reaching a plea bargain that will take this mess right into the upper levels of the Justice Department. Someone was pulling the strings on this political puppet show, and that puppeteer will be revealed in time. In the good old days, it took a secret taping system in the Oval Office to bring down the President. These days, it will be a trail of emails and text messages that leads to the belated downfall of the most transparent administration in our country’s history.

  2. “… a senior Justice Department official called Mr. McCabe…”

    Why hasn’t this person been named?

    ETA: Records seem to indicate in August of 2016 this would be William J. Baer.

  3. I seem to recall someone named Nixon getting into a whole lot of hot water for a whole lot less.

    But the MSM is hard at work over the Stormy bimbo of the week. Are they still talking about Russia to boot?


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