IG Report on Alleged Spying Abuse Against Trump Campaign May Still be Months Away – IOTW Report

IG Report on Alleged Spying Abuse Against Trump Campaign May Still be Months Away

Epoch Times:

Despite a word from the Justice Department’s Inspector General (IG) that his report on potential surveillance abuses against a former member of the Trump campaign is being finalized, there’s a reason to believe it could still take months before the public actually sees it.

The IG, Michael Horowitz, sent a letter to some congressional committees on Sept. 13, informing them that a draft of the report has been submitted to the Justice Department (DOJ) and the FBI for classification review. That means the agencies now have to determine which parts of the report need to be redacted before its publicly released. If past classification reviews are any indication, this process may take months.

It’s been, for instance, nearly a year since the House intelligence committee voted to release 53 transcripts of interviews it conducted during its investigation of Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election.

The transcripts were sent to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which then sent them to relevant agencies for classification reviews. The committee still hasn’t received them back, according to Jack Langer, spokesman for Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the ranking member on the committee.

There may be a greater urgency to get the IG report released more quickly. On the other hand, there may also be people within the DOJ and FBI with opposing interest in what the public should and shouldn’t see.

It’s long been alleged that the government is using classification as a tool to withhold information from the public for questionable reasons. read more

12 Comments on IG Report on Alleged Spying Abuse Against Trump Campaign May Still be Months Away

  1. I’m getting tired of redacted stuff, especially when those doing the redacting may well have personal reasons for doing it with the redacting itself keeping them out of sight.

  2. They need more time to minimize the accountability of those involved.
    Oh and Osama is dead even though they refused to release any photographic proof. Just take the governments word for it they wouldn’t lie to us.

  3. The reputation of America’s first black president is at stake in all of this. That is why none of it will amount to anything substantial, even though it should.

    The reason: white conservatives, the angriest and most necessary people to this nation’s functioning, don’t riot. The deep state swamp (ex., Paul Ryan) thinks it can lie to us, screw us over and piss us off for decades…and we’ll do nothing but bitch while we keep the lights burning and paying the bills for everyone else. And it’s true.

  4. General,

    If we turn out to be wrong, I’ll kiss your ass on the courthouse lawn and give you 30 minutes to draw a crowd.

    If we turn out to be right, we won’t need to say anything. You’ll feel bad enough for believing in a process of justice that no longer exists, in a country that no longer exists, and we’ll mourn with you.

    But I sincerely hope you are right.


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