Ignore The Never Trump Losers And Vote Republican – IOTW Report

Ignore The Never Trump Losers And Vote Republican

Kurt Schlichter/Town Hall:

The midterms are tomorrow, and the Never Trump conservatives’ latest collective self-own is their insistence that we vote for Democrats because of … get this … conservatism. Well, “ahoy” to that, you cruise-pushing goofs.

Pardon me if I doubt the savvy political insights of the guys who told us, “You know who’d make a great candidate? Jeb!” I just can’t get my mind around anyone who thinks Jeb! is the answer to any question except, “What political superstar has three letters plus an exclamation point, blew a couple hundred million bucks for like one delegate, and will have ‘Low Energy’ carved on his tombstone?” 

Here’s what I think happens Tuesday, and I could be totally wrong – though being wrong would entitle me to be an honorary Never Trumper. I think we take three or more seats in the Senate and keep the House. I think we keep power in Washington in the hands of the conservative party. And the Never Trump conservatives think this would be a terrible outcome.

They are the worst.

Shockingly, Never Trumpers are still a thing, at least in DC, New York and the nether regions of the internet, but no one is sure of why. It’s certainly not by popular demand; nobody likes them except weirdos, loser, mutations, and MSNBCNN bookers.

Of necessity, they have abandoned their old grift – “We are totally committed to winning victories for conservatism!” – in the wake of Trump singlehandedly fulfilling all the conservative fantasies that had previously graced the letters section of The Weekly Standard and its cruise-curious ilk: “I never thought it would happen to me, but then my president ditched the climate scam agreement and cut taxes! Hot!”

But Trump made our erotic right-wing dreams come true after decades of Fredocon teasing. And now no one calls the Never Trumpers anymore, and when they try their old pals, they get a text back: “New phone who dis?”

So now they have their new grift. They are the keepers of the conservaflame, the True Conservatives™ who plan to rescue us from the success of the Trump Era. And as part of that plan to get their principled conservatism on, they have stumbled onto a bold and innovative strategy: Help liberals win.

I’m skeptical, but Chet thinks that’s a clever move. Chet is, of course, my unicorn.  🦄   MORE 

8 Comments on Ignore The Never Trump Losers And Vote Republican

  1. When your prime motive in life is to be occasionally invited to the REALLY good dinner parties in Georgetown, one has to maintain a certain world view as well as remember to keep the pinkies up when having a spot of tea. Their problem is that they’ve been beaten–game, set, match by a blue collar billionaire who doesn’t need them–or by us who listened to the same tripe year after year while being told to behave and not act rowdy like our Tea Party brethren.

  2. “They are the keepers of the conservaflame, the True Conservatives™ who plan to rescue us from the success of the Trump Era.”–Kurt Schlichter

    “…only if the GOP as it is currently constituted is burned to the ground will there be any chance to build a reasonable center-right party out of the ashes”–Max Boot

    No conservaflame for you, nevertrumpers. You freakin’ pyros. Since you like the cruises so much, here’s the conserva-anchor. See how far you can drag that.

  3. To my American friends I implore you to vote GOP on a straight ticket. This may well be the last chance to right the ship and return America to it’s status of the “land of the free and the home of the brave”. If the Dems/Progs take over it will only be a short time before slavery is reinstated where the productive members have no rights and toil for the welfare and elite class.
    So get a friend or two, make some calls, and go vote as a group to continue to process of bringing the country back from the brink. God Bless you and grant you success.

  4. “Republican” means “Menshevik.”
    “Middle of the Road” means “Vacillating and Unprincipled.”
    My Representative (Jason Smith, MO-8) is a principled American whom I support to the best of my ability.
    My Senator (McCaskill – D (National Socialist Nihilistic Thieving Totalitarian)) is a corrupt, lower-than-whale-shit, grifting, greedy, good-for-nothing liar who supports Schumer and I would support Knucklehead Smith if he was running against her, though Hawley appears to be a viable alternative (he doesn’t seem to understand the word “insurance,” though, and masks his totalitarian tendencies; claiming to have forced the insurance companies of the state to “insure” pre-existing conditions (which is “subsidy” NOT “insurance”)).

    But, the Perfect being the Enemy of the Good, we strive for the lesser of evils in most of our choices.

    izlamo delenda est …

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