Ilegals in New York City to Receive Debit Cards Worth up to $10,000 EACH – IOTW Report

Ilegals in New York City to Receive Debit Cards Worth up to $10,000 EACH

GP: Illegal immigrants who land in New York City are now reportedly going to receive debit cards that are worth up to $10,000. This is madness.

Is there any wonder why so many of these folks want to go to the Big Apple? They already get free hotel rooms and free meals. What could they possibly need $10,000 a month for?

Have you questioned how so many of these folks are able to buy motorized scooters? Wonder no more.

18 Comments on Ilegals in New York City to Receive Debit Cards Worth up to $10,000 EACH

  1. Trying to think of a crime — any crime — my native born white ass can commit for the state to hand me $10k. Hmmmmm.. Nope, I got nothin.

    Even if I take all the coof dollars, all the great financial crisis dollars, and all the GW Bush dollars it still doesn’t add up to $10k.

  2. They’re finding yet more ways to loot our Treasury and bleed it dry!
    We are officially financing our own demise!
    Even if yer not smarter than a 5th grader (yeah I’m talkin to you Joe) you should have figured this out by now!


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