Ilhan Omar: Don’t Know Why Calling Facilities Concentration Camps Is Controversial – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar: Don’t Know Why Calling Facilities Concentration Camps Is Controversial


Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) said on Friday she does not know why it is controversial for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) to describe immigration detention facilities as concentration camps.

“There are camps, and people are being concentrated. This is very simple. I don’t even know why this is a controversial thing for her to say,” Omar said. “We have to really truthfully speak about what’s taking place, and this is why it’s really important for us to abolish ICE and make sure that we have an agency that is accountable to the people, that is dealing with the situation in a humane way.”

“There’s no way we can allow for kids to be caged in this country and children to be separated from their families, and people being terrorized in their communities. We have to make sure that we are calling it out and I am 100 percent with Alex–,” Omar continued, before the video cut off. read more

26 Comments on Ilhan Omar: Don’t Know Why Calling Facilities Concentration Camps Is Controversial

  1. “For kids to be caged in this country and children to be separated from their families, and people being terrorized in their communities”….

    She’s got a point…..

    …, but we shouldn’t call them concentration camps….We should call them Somalia camps…

  2. Why are we tolerating her continuing to breathe good American oxygen? We are accepting so much law breaking and unAmerican activities in this country that I have a hard time seeing how we turn it around, short of a civil war that is.

  3. Uhm, it’s not concentration camps and people are not being concentrated.

    Unless of course you consider events like a concert, a festival and the like described as concentration camps.

    You don’t.

    There’s a very distinct difference between what is defined as concentration camps and what is happening at the border and that is the will of the people involved. Illegal immigrants are lining up willingly to put themselves into the hands of US authority. That’s a far cry from piling people into a train, forcing them into labor and leading them to an oven against their will.

  4. For everybody’s general background, here’s the applicable OED entry (emphasis mine):

    concentration camp, a camp where non-combatants of a district are accommodated, such as those instituted by Lord Kitchener during the South African War of 1899–1902; one for the internment of political prisoners, foreign nationals, etc., esp. as organized by the Nazi regime in Germany before and during the war of 1939–45

  5. Omar did not grow up in America and does not understand the significance of the American blood shed to end world wars. She grew up in a land of violence and hatred and the subjugation of people to another group’s rule. This is what she instinctively knows and believes.

    She obviously cares little about the Holocaust and the prices paid in human blood due to the same violence, suspicion, prejudice and hatred that her own home country demonstrates daily.

    You can dress a barbarian up and make them look reasonably normal but underneath they are still uncivilized and un-assimilated into the country you find them in. Worse yet is when the barbarian attempts to bring their innate prejudices to the host nation.

    Such is the case with Ilhan Omar.

  6. If she is being honest she has just demonstrated her complete lack of being fit for office. She does not have enough of a grasp of what is going on in both a historical context and a ‘here and now’ context.

    Oh, wait, she is a democrat. Sorry please continue for the next 40 years or until you are murdered in an honor killing.

  7. Like this pothole faced infiltrator, I’m also a firm believer in calling things what they are.

    So, I’m going to take anything an illiterate, brotherfucking, terrorist sympathizing, 3rd world piece of shit says with a brick of salt.


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