Ilhan Omar Funnels 70% of Campaign Expenditures to Husband’s Company – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar Funnels 70% of Campaign Expenditures to Husband’s Company

Firm has received $2.7 million from Omar this cycle.

As the old saying goes-|
First marriage is for fraud [and marrying your brother],
second marriage is for money [and fraud],
third marriage is for fraud…

Why is she in the country, again?

19 Comments on Ilhan Omar Funnels 70% of Campaign Expenditures to Husband’s Company

  1. Crooked Somalis and dishonest Americans go together like Islam and Dementia. Cheating the natives is very popular among people who moved here from Somalia. If we are stupid enough to let this happen, then they are smart enough to take our money and enjoy our displeasure.

  2. She got away with immigration fraud, and campaign finance fraud in 2018, so why wouldn’t she do the same thing in 2020? Who’s going to stop her, Keith Ellison? William Barr?

  3. And Paul Pelosi’s gross worth went up some 400% on Nancy becoming Speaker.

    It’s not “Money AND Power” – the two are inseparable – one flows from the other. Power comes from Money – either who has it or who controls it. Someone has to pay for arms and ammunition. Someone has to pay the Secret Police. Someone has to pay the informers. Businesses prefer “regulation” because it cripples their competition who cannot afford to buy politicians and “regulators” (or, mistakenly, believe that to be illegal).

    Willie Brown, reportedly the first guy to give Kamala Harris gonorrhea of the tonsils, reputedly said that if you can’t take somebody’s money and screw em, you’re in the wrong line of work (politics).

    The lust for Power IS the lust for Filthy Lucre. Homage to Satan through Mammon.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @ Pelopidas: The USA has no extradition treaty with Somalia. Maybe IF the DOJ ever gets interested in pursuing criminals who’ve committed crimes against the USA, she’ll flee back to Somalia and use the extra $ to buy a castle, slaves and a large estate and finish her years living in greater luxury?

  5. She’s not untouchable, someday like everyone else she will have to answer to God for her actions and criminal misdeeds. I wouldn’t want to be her when that happens. And Allah is just a pack of lies and bs that won’t and can’t save her baco.


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