Ilhan Omar: “our country should be more fearful of white men” – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar: “our country should be more fearful of white men”

Legal Insurrection:

2018 Al Jazeera interview downplays threat of Jihadism terrorism: “we should be profiling, monitoring, and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men”

In 2018, Al Jazeera asked then-Congressional candidate Ilhan Omar about American fears of jihadist terrorism. She told the network that people should fear white men more than jihadist terrorism. Of course, she’s not only racially profiling, she’s adding the concept of race as a comparison to jihadist terrorism, which is not a “race.”

It’s just fascinating that we’re seeing this for the first time now.

Nick Givas reports at FOX News:

In resurfaced interview, Ilhan Omar answers question on ‘jihadist terrorism’ by saying Americans should be ‘more fearful of white men’

In a resurfaced interview from 2018, anti-Trump Democrat Ilhan Omar responded to a question about the “quote-unquote legitimate fears” some people have of “jihadist terrorism,” by saying Americans should be “more fearful of white men.”

In the interview, Al Jazeera host Medhi Hasan said some Americans feel justified in fearing Islam, not out of hate but for their own safety, before listing a number of radical Islamic terror attacks. Omar dismissed this suggestion immediately and laid the blame on white males instead, calling for the profiling and monitoring of caucasian men.

“I would say our country should be more fearful of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country,” she replied.

“And so if fear was the driving force of policies to keep America safe — Americans safe inside of this country — we should be profiling, monitoring, and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men.”


28 Comments on Ilhan Omar: “our country should be more fearful of white men”

  1. I’m convinced more than ever that this piece of shriveled up camel dung had her clitoris … mercifully, mercifully, … allah be blessed … lopped off
    …. according to the blessed will of the moon god & his pedophile camel-humping accolade … crapallah is blessed!

    this phucktard & all her ilk are just tools & fools of the One Worlders

  2. Our country should be alarmed that an infiltrating jihadi, inbred, evil beotch Somali “refugee” elected to the U.S. Congress is spewing hateful contempt for her host country.

  3. First off, she is NOT an American. She is the successful infiltration of Islamic radicalism. This woman is a liar and a complete fraud. It is a bigoted, hateful idea that all white men in America should be profiled based on her vile lie. There is no equivalent to Islamic jihad. There is no broad coalition of “white men” seeking ways to usher in fanatical sharia in America. That she is an elected lawmaker is a sham and a shame. There is no way in hell a white man in congress could go on tee vee, boldly proclaim that most of the murders in this country are committed by muslims and, therefore, all muslims should be profiled in order for us to be safe.

    Just remember this: she is the face of the new Democrat party in America.

  4. Thanks to a feral press and an army of subversive democrats this primitive little ignoramus makes a mockery of our system on a daily basis.
    Nancy and her crew thought it would be a brilliant idea to showcase the “new diversity” using this little imp as a tool to bludgeon the anglo saxon’s she’d like to diminish.
    Too bad for her she didn’t realize that she wasn’t exempt from the same animosity she wished on others.
    Senile women shouldn’t be playing with matches Nancy!

  5. I’m absolutely itching to get some payback from these scumbag democrats for what they’ve been doing to this country.
    Winning on a political level is no longer enough, there’s been too many years of these people cheating justice only to continue their destructive attacks on our entire way of life.
    Nothing could satisfy me now short of soaking the ground with their blood.
    They keep poking the bear until it’s in a blind rage and the cage is going to get torn open soon.

  6. Like most all of her word vomit she’s trying to invoke anger and daring americans to do something about it. She feels untouchable and free to spit in the face of this country’s citizens.
    The democrat’s policies have deeply divided this country and she uses that divide to taunt and show her complete contempt for everything we stand for.
    Nice going dems!

  7. When do we get to stop with the anti-Semite name calling and just say anti-white. That’d personally affect a far larger segment of the U.S. population.

  8. Trump would get a lot of support if he would order ICE to investigate the little shit for immigration fraud and if they find it, toss her skinny ass out of here and send her back to
    her shithole homeland.

  9. “… we should be profiling, monitoring, and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men.”

    Stunningly unclear on those concepts of “Freedom,” “Liberty,” and “Republic” ain’t cha? And you mistakenly call yourself American? You don’t seem to grasp the fundamentals, much less the finer points.

    Let’s change (just) one of her words: “… we should be profiling, monitoring, and creating policies to fight the radicalization of colored men.” and see if the idea is objectionable.


    How about: “… we should be profiling, monitoring, and creating policies to fight the radicalization of moslem men.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. The commies have been circulating an editorial cartoon of Trump’s hair as a lit match giving a speech I front of a bunch bombs.

    Yet here is the woman who faked an asylum claim by changing her name to the Omar family looking like a literal matchstick.


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