Ilhan Omar’s Campaign Committee Pays Nearly 300k to Husband’s Firm – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar’s Campaign Committee Pays Nearly 300k to Husband’s Firm

No member of the so-called “Squad” is a stranger to controversy, but Ilhan Omar continues taking it to the next level.

Just last month Omar announced her marriage to Tim Mynett on Instagram after denying that the two had a relationship for months. Mynett’s prior wife alleged in court papers that he walked out on their marriage after admitting to having an affair with Omar, which Omar denied. Omar filed for divorce from her prior husband Ahmed Hirsi less than two months before the affair allegations were brought to light.

Between October and December of last year, Omar’s campaign committees paid Mynett’s firm E Street Group $215,000, more than half of total disbursements over that time period (most of which was after her campaign was over). In total, E Street Group received $525,000 from Omar’s campaign, or forty percent of her campaign’s overall spending.

Had the two been married at the time, that would’ve immediately raised red flags (and still could now). Omar had previously been ordered to reimburse her campaign $3,500 after the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board found she illegally used campaign funds in 2016 and 2017. She was also fined $500. The violating payments included reimbursements for personal travel expenses, in addition to hiring a law firm for services related to an inquiry into her personal tax returns.

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13 Comments on Ilhan Omar’s Campaign Committee Pays Nearly 300k to Husband’s Firm

  1. I’m locked in my house and omar the career criminal walks free. Figures.

    I’ve got a splendid way to get the economy going again.

    A war! A nice little war. There must be some country in the world that needs an ass kickin.

    Put a lot of people to work manufacturing munitions. Do we want the economy to pick up or not?

  2. “Ilhan Omar’s Campaign Committee Pays Nearly 300k to Husband’s Firm”

    Which husband?
    I always had heard that a muzzie man was allowed to have up to four wives.
    When was a muzzie wife allowed four husbands?

  3. We don’t need a war. We need to go to a bar. Order a beer and a burger and watch a baseball game on TV.

    Our situation is nothing more than democrat politicians purposely destroying Trump’s economy in hopes of getting him out of office.

    Your plight and well being means nothing to Satan’s army

  4. Trump is about to have a presser on opening up the economy and a 2 trillion infrastructure plan.

    Award the 2 trillion to the states that are open by may 1. The rest can pound sand. I can’t tell you how much i’d like him to do that. Make those assholes cry!

  5. @Gonad the Barbarian April 16, 2020 at 2:54 pm

    > A war! A nice little war. There must be some country in the world that needs an ass kickin.

    Well… What country’s this little grifter runnin’?

  6. @Lickety Split April 16, 2020 at 3:48 pm

    > Does anyone have a valid reason as to why we needed migrants from Somalia brought into this country?

    Scandihoovians and Squatamalans want “too much” money to slit sheep throats.


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