Ilhan Omar’s father dies from coronavirus complications – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar’s father dies from coronavirus complications

WAExaminer: Rep. Ilhan Omar announced that her father passed away from complications due to the coronavirus.

The Minnesota Democrat said her father Nur Omar Mohamed died on Monday.

“It is with tremendous sadness and pain that I share that my father, Nur Omar Mohamed, passed away due to complications from COVID-19,” Omar said in a statement. “No words can describe what he meant to me and all who knew him.”. more

60 Comments on Ilhan Omar’s father dies from coronavirus complications

  1. Same father who took her virginity when she was 3 months old?
    Or a that other one? The one who paid her mother with glass beads?
    Or that guy who claimed he had access to a WHOLE POUND of salt? And was willing to let some go for a roll in the sand?

    Tough keeping track of all those “fathers” and “brothers” and shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. 1-Was he REALLY your father?
    2-Did he REALLY die of ChiCom Virus?
    3-Did he REALLY die at all?
    Somehow I’m not trusting anything you spew from your pie hole.

  3. Daddy was granted asylum in 1995, by Bill Clinton.
    Оmаr’ѕ аnnuаl ѕаlаrу іѕ $125,000, Неr nеt wоrth іѕ аn еѕtіmаtеd $3 mіllіоn аѕ оf Јunе 2020.
    Some thing smells like goat shit.

  4. As a result Minnesotans are going to suffer blaring call to prayer 5x more than usual while his body is dragged around (whose) streets (our streets!) in a glass coffin by camel.

  5. Just like Obama when his old assistant died; how much of a celebration was there that some trace of Corona showed up in their blood test? (if it even did). Why do I feel that Omar was happy about this? Her net happiness increased here. In her mind, she’s giving the finger to conservative Americans who sniffed out the covid hoax early on.

  6. There can be no ‘social distancing’ at that funeral.
    Not for anyone named ‘mohamet’ or ‘oman’ if all his children show up.
    Piss be upon them cockroaches. (yeah, I said it)

    “No words can describe what he meant to me and all who knew him.”
    I’ve got 2 words: good riddance

  7. Uncle Al
    JUNE 16, 2020 AT 9:22 AM
    “Will be be buried with his favorite goat?”

    …nah, they need Ilhan to set up MN Shari’a patrols, so they can’t bury her with him right now…

  8. Was this America hating muzzie twat also married to her father? Question needs to be asked seeing as how she married her brother to get him into our country illegally. How about dear old dad? This muslim commie slag needs to be deported and parachuted into the middle of that hell hole city Mogadishu she came from. She wouldn’t last 5 minutes before the howling sharia mob stoned her worthless ass to death.

  9. You know, she does look a lot like South Park Kenny. Well Ellon, looks like you got one less screwing partner. Your brother father uncle now has 72 virgins with a CLITORIS. And we have one less stinking Muslim.

  10. Any word about how her grandfather died. Thats the one who was a spokesman for the govt of Mohammed Siad Barre .. you know, the guy who ordered the genocide of 60K black Muslims of the Isaaq tribe in the late Eighties

    Did he get revenge killed by an Isaaqi, Ilhan? Or did he get away Scot free by fleeing to Kenya?

  11. BTW, since you say black lives matter,Ilhan when will you be condemning that monstrous atrocity by Grandpa’s former employer.

    Or dont those black lives matter?

  12. As I myself am still reeling and struggling to overcome the immense grief I have over losing my own beloved father a year and a half ago-

    I won’t say anything unkind about her… only I am sure she never could have possibly loved her father as much as I love mine.

    Marrying her own brother, being full of hateful murderous rhetoric and ideology- Omars dad is the one who instilled those things in her, so I’m sure a part of her must feel relief in a twisted way.


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