Ilhan Omar’s GOP challenger eyes upset in November, hits ‘unthinking’ call to defund police – IOTW Report

Ilhan Omar’s GOP challenger eyes upset in November, hits ‘unthinking’ call to defund police

FOX: Minnesota Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Republican-endorsed challenger is pushing back against what he calls the radical congresswoman’s “unthinking” call to defund the Minneapolis Police Department — and says he believes he has a good chance of climbing a “political Mount Everest” and unseating her in November.

“It’s just a quick, unthinking type of solution that goes along with her way of thinking and her way of doing business, and I think it’s just a bad idea all the way around,” Lacy Johnson told Fox News of the push to defund the police, which he also called “dangerous” and “reckless.” read more

SNIP: Lacy Johnson for Congress.

4 Comments on Ilhan Omar’s GOP challenger eyes upset in November, hits ‘unthinking’ call to defund police

  1. Aaaaaannnnd sadly if a White man said the same thing he would be immediately branded a “Racist”. So when skin color gets in the way of logic and reason it needs to be asked: who’s the real Racist in the room?

  2. “It’s just a quick, unthinking type of solution that goes along with her way of thinking …. ”

    I imagine it also goes along with the thinking of the majority of those in here district.

    As much as I’d like to see her gone, I don’t think the probability of it happening is high enough to place any bets on it yet.


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