I’ll Always Think of Lloyd Marcus around Independence Day – IOTW Report

I’ll Always Think of Lloyd Marcus around Independence Day

American Thinker:

By J.B. Shurk

As America’s Independence Day nears, I have found myself increasingly thinking of Lloyd Marcus and what his passing has meant.  It is difficult to believe that it has almost been a year since his sudden death from a pulmonary embolism on July 24, the day after he and his wife, Mary, celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary.  So much has happened in America and around the world these last twelve months, and it saddens me that Lloyd isn’t around to make sense of those events for us with the context and meaning that only he could provide.  

In the months leading up to last year’s “election,” when it became clear that the Democrats (and their Republican “useful idiots”) would do anything required to bring down President Trump, I always asked myself, “How would Lloyd have reacted to this nonsense?”  When it became obvious that the One-Party State would ignore all the evidence for vote fraud in Democrat-controlled counties of battleground states and install a mumbling, groping halfwit in the White House to do its bidding, I wondered just what Lloyd would say and do.  As this new 1984 “digital curtain” has descended around us and as it has become incontrovertible that Biden’s America will be one of mass censorship and political persecution, I always think about which fights Lloyd would take up first in the contests ahead.  

There’s no doubt in my mind he’d be fighting — writing and rallying and pushing Americans to open their eyes to the evils of Critical Race Theory, the vile use of the China Virus to steal Americans’ liberties, and the unholy partnership between Silicon Valley and the Intelligence Community to turn patriotic Americans into domestic terrorists.  “CRT is un-American and anti-Christian and as Communist as it gets,” I think he’d say.  I know he would be spitting fire against the Maoist police state taking over, and I’m certain he would have taken the FBI and the U.S. military to the woodshed for abandoning America’s ideals by choosing to intimidate, punish, and silence Americans who think for themselves.  Yet he would have done so with such humor and grace and genuine concern for our nation that none who came across his words would have been able to dismiss the wisdom contained therein.   more here

4 Comments on I’ll Always Think of Lloyd Marcus around Independence Day

  1. “America’s Tea Party Anthem” comes on every time I plug my iPhone into my car. A frustrating Apple Music bugaboo- but it’s nice to hear his voice and be reminded of those tea party days.

  2. Great article!

    I too am “un hyphenated”!

    God blessed America with Lloyd!

    As HE did with Ronny nd Don.

    God will always be HE to me; no matter what Laura says!


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