I’ll take Hateful Children’s Authors for $600, Alex – IOTW Report

I’ll take Hateful Children’s Authors for $600, Alex

Patriot Retort: What kind of soulless creature would think making fun of an eleven-year-old child’s trauma is funny?

But that is exactly what this hateful children’s author Ken Jennings did yesterday afternoon.

After reports emerged that Barron Trump was traumatized after seeing the vile image of Kathy Griffin holding up the bloodied head of his father, this author of children’s books mocked him.

Because, mocking an eleven-year-old is fair game so long as he is the son of Donald Trump.

I remember what I was like when I was eleven.

And if I saw a gruesome image of my mom’s severed and bloody head, I would have flipped out.

How is it that despite the fact that I am not a children’s author, I can empathize with the horror Barron must have felt?

But this disgusting prick can’t?!

This is what that hateful cretin tweeted out:

19 Comments on I’ll take Hateful Children’s Authors for $600, Alex

  1. Noting that there were over 12,500 likes of “this” (I have no words to describe), is a profound testament to the absolute depravity of the Left as a whole.

  2. He is a major douche but I still laugh heartily when I think about how much they pumped up his appearance on that 500 Questions show a year or two ago and he didn’t even make it through four questions…

  3. The left has never been in a position where they’ve had to discipline their emotions and outbursts. Perhaps this will be their undoing. If it isn’t, this will be the nation’s undoing

  4. Perhaps civil engineers should create another sub-specialty, designing urban landfill dump areas for the disposal of what’s left of such vile creatures when they finally get what’s coming to them.

  5. I guess the left truly DOES wish to isolate themselves from all decent people. Of course this will only result in their extinction, so the ‘jokes’ on them.

  6. Do you see how Trump is playing these people to the point of exposing the lunatics one by one and causing them to destroy their own livelihood? It’s quite delicious, actually.

    Imagine how many more fooktards are going to self immolate after withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord.

    Trump is playing these people like a cheap covfefe.

  7. You should see his FB page. Last night when I read this story I visited his page and there were 1428 (all negative) comments. Within an hour that number had jumped to over 2025. It must be an enormous number by now. The comments were under his post about UTI’s and cranberries. Then people were opening a new browser tab and posting comments to his author’s page at Amazon. The guy is toast, for sure. Oh, and he lives in a hamlet called Mountlake Terrace, just north of Seattle. Of course.

  8. Remember the thread BFH started a few weeks ago about the funny book title/author combinations? I thought of a new one:

    How to Micheal Richards yourself without using the N word, by Kathy Griffin and Ken Jennings

  9. If Trump were even remotely the fascist dictator the Left wants to believe he is, Griffin would have abruptly disappeared half an hour after the beheading pic went online.
    Along with the punk photographer. And their social media pages. And their entire families. And overnight, every vestige and trace they ever existed. They would be modern Nonpersons

    Also disappearing, or dying from home falls, heart attacks, and one car crashes off cliffs: inconvenient Federal judges, Stephen Colbert, Madonna, and most of the nonentities at CNN/MSNBC/WAPO/NYT ad nauseum.
    Merkel and Macron would now be succumbing to Polonium tea.
    And Bill and Hilary and Barack would have been arrested on the Inauguration Podium at 1 pm Nov 08.

    Just sayin’.

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