Illegal Alien Accused of Raping, Murdering Houston Teenager Wore ICE Ankle Monitor During the Attack – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien Accused of Raping, Murdering Houston Teenager Wore ICE Ankle Monitor During the Attack

We already know neither of the accused illegal aliens should have been in the U.S.

8 Comments on Illegal Alien Accused of Raping, Murdering Houston Teenager Wore ICE Ankle Monitor During the Attack

  1. “Murdering Houston Teenager Wore ICE Ankle Monitor During the Attack”

    Well, that’s impressive but NOT unexpected.

    When do we start warming our guns with a few head shots? And that’s just for warming the guns.

  2. DJT was again right on the money. “They’re not sending us their best and brightest”. Venezuela exported every violent gang member they could to our country. Who’s keeping score. Imagine the murders you don’t hear about. There’s a shit load of other south American countries that have followed suit. That’s not counting the CPP sending soldiers here. That’s not counting the amount of Islamic terrorist cells that have walked across the border. All by design. If you don’t own a gun and are good with it, it’s probably to late. I can’t help thinking there will be no election. That’s what third world dictatorships do. And that’s exactly who is currently ruling us.

  3. I fully expect Trump to bring this up at the debate tomorrow night. They will claim Biden didn’t do it, it was the illegals. They wouldn’t be here if the democrats weren’t waving them in, unvetted, as fast as they can.


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