Illegal Alien Arrested for Ditching Baby in Dumpster Immediately After Giving Birth in Taco Truck – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien Arrested for Ditching Baby in Dumpster Immediately After Giving Birth in Taco Truck

AZ Sun Times:
A woman arrested for allegedly leaving her newborn baby in a dumpster is living in the United States unlawfully, federal immigration authorities confirmed on Wednesday.

The Houston Police Department charged Everilda Cux Ajtzalam with child abandonment after she allegedly left her baby in a dumpster in southwest Houston earlier this month, according to ABC13, a Houston-based outlet. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed that Ajtzalam is an illegal migrant who entered the U.S. as an unaccompanied minor. more here

20 Comments on Illegal Alien Arrested for Ditching Baby in Dumpster Immediately After Giving Birth in Taco Truck

  1. Police accuse Ajtzalam of giving birth inside a taco truck, immediately tossing the baby into the nearby dumpster and then cleaning her taco truck, according to ABC13.

  2. I got some tacos at a truck a few months ago at a small concert at a park because there was nothing else. It was just pork rinds deep fried and coated with some spicy sauce. As soon as I took a bite and realized I spit it out and through the whole thing away. Gross!

  3. Does the truck still have it’s restaurant license?

    Because I feel like it’s just possible some health codes may have been violated here.

    And maybe some OSHA laws too, not just on her truck, but for her garbagemen too?

    I don’t expect the Feds to do anything here, but you can usually trust local officials to collect fines and fees.

  4. Planned Parenthood would have paid cash.
    Full term, more money.
    So, she was probably raped repeatedly 9 month ago.
    Thanks to:
    Catholic Charities?
    Clinton Foundation?
    Red Cross?

  5. What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.

    Why was she not informed that a bebé means more free shit? More money, diapers, formula, healthcare. It’s all free.

    Plus, the child could have been registered to vote when the SS card was applied for.

    The dem’s failed bigly on this one.

  6. mystaclean
    FRIDAY, 2 AUGUST 2024, 14:08 AT 2:08 PM

    “Plus, the child could have been registered to vote when the SS card was applied for.”

    It doesn’t need to be alive for OUR purposes.

    In fact we kinda prefer it ISN’T.

    That way, we can count the vote AND sell the parts.



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