Illegal alien caravan: Struggling to hitch a ride – IOTW Report

Illegal alien caravan: Struggling to hitch a ride

The Rebel: It’s a sweltering hot day in Sayula, Mexico and the migrants are scrambling to find any transport to take them further north on their journey towards the U.S. border.

Pick-up trucks are being loaded up with human cargo, cramming as many people as they can possibly fit into any available space.

One can only imagine what the ride will be like to their next destination of Pablo, which is about five or six hours away.

And now we’ve heard that yet another group of approximately 2,500 migrants are headed this way so it looks like the town of Loma Bonita is going to have a repeat of what they encountered last night with this group of migrants.

The feeling is one of despair rather than euphoria, especially for those who don’t have the luxury of a ride. more

9 Comments on Illegal alien caravan: Struggling to hitch a ride

  1. I’d be willing to bet there’s some leftist community organize-types down there whipping the peasants into a frenzy about all the freebies available here, all they have to do is join the caravan.

  2. If only there had been some way those people could have foreseen the difficulty of thousands of people marching thousands of miles on foot to a place that was only going to deny them entry…


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