Illegal Alien Celeb Who Says Illegals Pay A Lot Of Taxes REFUSED TO PAY HIS TAXES! – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien Celeb Who Says Illegals Pay A Lot Of Taxes REFUSED TO PAY HIS TAXES!

The illegal alien “journalist” celebrity Jose Vargas just LOVES to rub it in our faces that some illegal aliens contribute to Social Security and pay other taxes as a way of saying that Americans OWE them citizenship. More at SooperMexican

illegal tax fraud

15 Comments on Illegal Alien Celeb Who Says Illegals Pay A Lot Of Taxes REFUSED TO PAY HIS TAXES!

  1. *ssholes. Where the h*ll is rule of law in the brave new era of Hope n Change, hmm? My card was stolen years ago, back in the 80’s. Wonder how many illegal d*uches are using the number..

  2. Don’t take it personally guys. This manure spreader load of shit is targeted to the all the dumbed-down, unemployed, uninformed, barely-aware, dope-smoking, self-absorbed, media-influenced, celebrity-obsessed, food-stamp wielding, Escalade driving, Kool-Aid drinking, busted-ass, entitlement rich, free-loading Lo-Fo Doorknobs who actually believe that killing babies is good, killing killers is racist, taking guns away from law-abiding citizens will end gun violence, Al Gore and his climate gurus can actually predict the weather ten years from now, democRats really will end poverty because they are the Party of the poor little guy, Liberalism, Socialism, and Communism are not really the same thing and that only White people can be racist… oh and don’t have the attention span to process a sound bite over 10 seconds long that doesn’t rhyme!

  3. Scumbag is a pilipino. Arrest him. I remember back in the Black and White Television days a guy was on some show bragging about something. An NYPD detective recognized him
    as a criminal and arrested him as he left the studio. Ah those were the days..

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