Illegal Alien detention centers rife with abuses – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien detention centers rife with abuses

WT: The way the government detains illegal immigrants often breaks fundamental constitutional guarantees, and holding whole families in detention is a particularly harsh abuse of human rights, the U.S. Civil Rights Commissionsaid in a controversial new report Thursday, wading deeply into the immigration debate.


Some detention facilities — both government-run and private ones operating on contracts — don’t provide good medical care, deny illegal immigrants the chance to try to get lawyers to help them with their cases, look the other way when rape or sexual abuse occurs, don’t allow Muslims adequate leeway to celebrate Ramadan, and mistreat transgender detainees, the majority report concluded.

Two of the eight commissioners issued stinging rebuttals, questioning whether the commission even had jurisdiction to look at immigration enforcement, and portraying the report as rehashed innuendo and discredited accusations.  more

SNIP: As bad as they claim it is, did any of the illegals ask to go home?

4 Comments on Illegal Alien detention centers rife with abuses

  1. Amen to that! Abuse the living ca-ca out of the felon trespassers. You aren’t legitimately a citizen by the front door you get the same treatment as invaders get back in your home country, PERIOD!

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