Illegal ALIEN Illegal ALIEN Illegal ALIEN – IOTW Report

Illegal ALIEN Illegal ALIEN Illegal ALIEN


Obama admin bans the use of “alien”

The Obama administration is trying to control the reporting on the humanitarian crisis by banning the phrase UAC (Unaccompanied Alien Children) and replacing it with UC (Unaccompanied Children).

So they’re basically saying let’s not call the “alien” because they really belong here and we’re going to give them amnesty one day to prove it.


NATIONAL REVIEW – Word is spreading that federal officials may have banned the phrase “Unaccompanied Alien Children” from the federal lexicon because the term “alien” inappropriately identifies the illegal-immigrant children flooding across the border.

An e-mail received by an Immigration and Customs Enforcement official, shared with National Review Online, discusses the change.



25 Comments on Illegal ALIEN Illegal ALIEN Illegal ALIEN

  1. Fine. I’ll call them foreigners. Foreigners who have illegally entered a separate sovereign nation and then have the unmitigated gall to expect this separate sovereign nation to foot the bill for their existence.



    ILLEGALLY here.

    Expecting LEGAL CITIZENS to pay for all their little needs and wants.

    We are being invaded.

  2. Illegals, aliens, invaders. Screw you, Baracka (I mean, Valerie.

    As we see usurpation after usurpation (sounds like something the Founders would say, eh?), the average Joe and Jane finally wises up and says, “Forget Washington, we’ll govern ourselves, which, in this case, would be refusing to shelter or educate these aliens.

    No EBT, no welfare, they’ll go to another community or go back home. The main problem I see will be the reluctance of state and local govts to give up ththat filthy lucred D.C. has laundered to return to you.

    A friend who saw this solution a year ago has been taking courses from The Center for Self Governance, and recommends we all find out the path to doing it.

    Classes are conducted all over the country.

  3. Coopting the language is the first step of totalitarians to eliminate debate.

    From the Preezy who referred to conservative voters as Teabaggers.

    Don’t want to offend do we?

  4. Pawns would be a better fit because these children are being played with and used by their families, their governments, the drug cartels, the coyotes, the democrats party, the RINOS and last but not least, mob boss Barack Obama.

  5. The one thing to remember today when you come face to face with left wing shitfinger relatives is two words – Elian Gonzalez.

    Every single one of the bastards was wailing about how he needed to be sent home to live with his relatives. I remember those days like they were yesterday and I remember who said what and intend to make them eat their own Goddamned words today. Wife be damned, if I leave a half dozen of them in a puddle of tears… All the better. Perhaps they will think before they run their big fat piehole in the future.

  6. in BARKYS REICHSTAG we will be forced to goosestep around Val the Hen whilst we sing Barkyvilleuberalles off key and badly (on purpose)..their subliminal dream and our cause celebre’ for flattening the Reichstag…Barky, Val, Moochie, et al.

  7. From UAC, to UC.
    Paging Jan The Man Napolitano warming the chair as head of California’s universities. I’m ‘seeing something and saying something’ about it. UC too?

    Alien: a foreigner, stranger, someone not from here. In lawful terms, an ILLEGAL ALIEN!

    Obama: Stranger Danger

  8. As BFH was ranting yesterday about the LGBT(KMA) issue, the semantics are only important to the perpetually aggrieved.

    How about we just call them “criminals”?

  9. Just spoke with someone who works at DHS at a family picnic and this person laughed like hell when I mentioned Barky banning “alien.” The employee said so far, the DHS has had about six different designations banned, but no one in DHS listens, and the Powers That Be give up (till next time).

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