Illegal Alien Living In Florida Has Been Arrested For Trying To Hire A Hit Man  – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien Living In Florida Has Been Arrested For Trying To Hire A Hit Man 

To Kill Witnesses In Her Son’s Murder Case.

27 Comments on Illegal Alien Living In Florida Has Been Arrested For Trying To Hire A Hit Man 

  1. Or….. how bout this…
    You all watched a loser today. So the same shithead ya’all have been ball’n your eyes out about shows up where? Boy-o-boy how stoopid can you get. While your dashboard Yesus backs up his bus & drives right over his fan base, what do they say? Is it time to drink dat kool-aid now?
    Mikey & Doony kiss’n in a tree while all his fan base says what about we? Mike did what he did with dump’s FULL approval & he always said, gotta love the stoopid.

  2. Had to read the article because in today’s world I thought a person might be arrested for assuming or misgendering a person rather than the crime of hiring a hit(person).

  3. Why don’t sum nice folks here speak how they feel about Mike Johnson sitting in court next to him. You no longer have to guess as to what deal at Mar-a-lago was worked out when Mike Johnson went to visit him right before the House voted. My take, he has one “ting” in life he values, keep my ass outta prison, nothin else matters, well most nuttin else, except the lies. Dirty deeds done dirt cheap. See unlike yous, America has a memory bout snake charmers.

  4. The “news” announcer said that because she’s an illegal alien, she’ll be subject to deportation once the case is over.

    “…subject” to deportation?! Sounds like it’s going to be just one of the options applicable to her. And what of her son? Will we pay his 3 hots and a cot for the duration, once he’s convicted. Holy cow! What am I saying? He’s illegal. She’s illegal. They’ll both walk. . .right into a Target store, and out again without paying for the merch.

    Vote Trump this November. Vote early. Vote often. Get your friends to vote for him, too.

  5. Ok, I’ll help you out, when all else fails you do the mental midget thing. That’s called misplaced aggression, 101.
    You win the booby prize of the day. Yes, he can be in Prison & still be voated in as….
    President of cell block D.

  6. That brain dead troll is proof the Zombie Apocalypse is real. I can spot them walking down the street. Drool dripping off their weak chins indicates an extreme case. But most of them are like this infected moron. The evidence is there for IT to interpret. It just has a huge charlie horse in it’s little mind. The Left and Right will never get along after this. We can’t coexist. They don’t want to and we sure as hell don’ want. About the beginning of year four of Trump’s next presidency you will see efforts to separate the two. As it should be. They can have Mexico.

  7. “That’s called misplaced aggression, 101”

    LOL, I teach that class. I beat the shit out of everyone in the class. Why you ask. Because only a Libtard would attend a class with that content and the deserve to get their asses beat. I take the cute womenz home and punish them in a different manner. They seem to enjoy it.

  8. ““Never argue with idiots, they’ll drag you down to their level & beat you with experience.” ~ author unknown”

    In case you missed it, there’s a new Christianity forming. Built around the crusades. Which they claim never ended. I tend to agree. They are not Passivists. If you’re the least bit curious I’ll send you links when I get them.


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