Illegal alien shoots gun, wants 2A protection – IOTW Report

Illegal alien shoots gun, wants 2A protection

DC: An illegal alien is claiming that his right to self-defense is protected under the Second Amendment of the constitution.

Javier Perez, a Mexican national, was charged after he fired a round into the air in Brooklyn in order to ward off rival gang members in 2016, reported The New York Daily News. Perez is now claiming in a Brooklyn federal court that his right to bear arms is guaranteed under the constitution despite not being a United States citizen.

“The Framers were clear: if they meant citizens, they would have said citizens. But they didn’t,” Samuel Jacobson, Perez’s lawyer, argued. “There is no suggestion that there was a concept of ‘illegal alien’ and no suggestion that if you were from a foreign country, you couldn’t bear arms.”  MORE

15 Comments on Illegal alien shoots gun, wants 2A protection

  1. He has no rights.
    When he entered the United States illegally, he relinquished all rights.
    He is a felon (by definition) and is, thus, not “allowed” to own firearms.
    His argument will be crushed.
    The “right” to self-defense is under concerted attack and the “establishment’s” hatred of all things American will trump his illegal-immigrant status.

    The CITIZENS of NYC, NY State, Chicago, DC, &c. are forbidden to defend themselves, so how should he be “allowed?”

    He should have held up his hand, palm forward, and said “Nay, nay – stranger stay away!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. They’re both morons. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State . . .” A state has borders. A state has citizens. “. . . the right of the people to keep and bear arms . . .” People are the people of the state, not just anyone.

    Throat punch them both and send them both packing.

  3. The audacity of unhindered invaders. They have a solid foothold in this country, thanks to their numbers increased by anchor babies, support of the Democrat Socialist Party, no real enforcement of immigration laws by the RINO controlled Congress, and most importantly, no wall!

  4. “unalienable rights”
    God Given. I hope he wins. Unalienable Rights also means I can shoot his ass if he pulls a shooter in a threatening manner. The Second amendment works best un fucked with. Just leave the damn thing alone.

  5. An illegal alien and admitted gang member? How was he able to complete the form 4473 to buy his gun? Is he over 21? How was he able to apply for his Concealed Carry permit?

    This guy’s a criminal on so many levels. But since he’s already admitted to illegal possession of a firearm, he’s got at least 5 years of room & board coming to him.

  6. Wait a minute baby!!! An ARMED foreign invader should be tried by a Military tribunal, No? If not shot on sight!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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