Illegal alien students now allowed positions on California college boards – IOTW Report

Illegal alien students now allowed positions on California college boards

College Reform: California Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill into law that allows illegal immigrant students to hold elected positions on California college boards as long as they qualify for in-state tuition.

The bill, AB1887, was signed on Aug 24 and permits students, who are illegally residing in the United States, to “serve on any board or commission […] that relate to public elementary and secondary education and that includes members who are pupils or minors,” provided they are eligible for in-state tuition or are otherwise exempt from paying non-resident tuition.

In California, students qualify for in-state tuition, also known as resident tuition, provided they have resided in the state for over a year prior to admission. Non-California resident students,  including illegal immigrants, may be eligible for an exemption if they meet certain requirements, such as attending a California high school or community college for a minimum of three years, according to California Education Code 68130.

“To allow students who are currently ineligible, but would be made eligible by this act in time for appointment, and students who do not have lawful immigration status or qualify as being exempt from paying nonresident tuition to proceed in the appointment process, it is necessary for this act to take effect immediately,” the legislation, which was deemed an “urgency statute,” states. MORE HERE

7 Comments on Illegal alien students now allowed positions on California college boards

  1. At times I find myself not being as concerned about these felonies upon felonies that the Left continues to assault and insult us with. The pendulum has swung about as far to the left as it can and will before long be swinging back the other way, far beyond what these soulless cretins could possibly envision. I believe when that time comes the Left, the Elites, illegals, muslims, BLM, SJW, the Media, the tech giants, the kneelers and all the rest that comprise the NWO and their useful idiots will discover that there is no empathy or compassion left for any of them. Young, old, healthy or infirmed, mega-rich or dirt poor will find no quarter, no refuge or safe spaces for them to hide. Frankly, I believe it will SUCK to be one of them!!

    Kurt Russell said it best:


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