Illegal alien sues San Francisco for violating sanctuary law – IOTW Report

Illegal alien sues San Francisco for violating sanctuary law

(Reuters) – An undocumented immigrant from El Salvador is suing San Francisco alleging police violated the city’s sanctuary city policy by turning him over to U.S. immigration authorities after he reported his car stolen.

The lawsuit was filed on Tuesday on behalf of Pedro Figueroa Zarceno, 32, in federal court in San Francisco against the city and its police chief for violating his right to due process and breaking an ordinance barring municipal employees from cooperating with federal immigration authorities seeking to deport a person.

Figueroa walked into a police station in November 2015 to report his car stolen, according to the lawsuit. Two days later, the car was found and when he went to recover it, he was handcuffed and led outside where federal immigration agents were waiting for him, the lawsuit said.  more

21 Comments on Illegal alien sues San Francisco for violating sanctuary law

  1. Ole Pedro already has the Americanisms down flat for such a short illegal and criminal history: “first grab your balls and then grab a dirt bag lawyer”!

  2. This just keeps getting better and better.

    An illegal alien suing the city for failing to enforce an unlawful regulation, aka enforcing a lawful one.

    I despise California more every time I hear its name.

  3. Why is an illegal allowed to sue?
    WTF is wrong with us?

    Our problems are much deeper than even Mr. (Pres.) Trump can mend.
    Good start, of course, but like trying to get to the Center of the Earth using a shovel.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Recall something about someone suing a town for mismanagement.
    Town coffers empty.
    Officials had stolen all the lard.
    Plaintiff granted ownership of Town.

    Please Please Please
    Let It Be.
    Figueroa Zarceno awarded California.
    49 States Celebrate as New Flag Business Booms.

    **T-1 Day

  5. Violating his right to due process!?!
    Had this fucking shit stain come here legally he would’ve learned in his citizenship class is that those rights reserved for American citizens!!!

    If you want to talk about the rights of man take it up with Martin Luther, douche bag.

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