Illegal Alien Threatens Independent Journalist After He Was Asked Where He Was From: “You Find Out Who I Am Very Soon” – IOTW Report

Illegal Alien Threatens Independent Journalist After He Was Asked Where He Was From: “You Find Out Who I Am Very Soon”

GP: An independent journalist, known as 1st Responders Media on social media, experienced a chilling interaction while conducting interviews with a group of illegal immigrants who had recently crossed into the country.

The journalist, who has been covering border issues, reported a particularly ominous exchange that raises concerns about the safety of Americans during this invasion at the border.

According to the journalist’s account, the situation escalated when he asked one of the individuals about their origin. The response was unexpectedly aggressive.

“By the way… If you are smart enough, you will know who I am. But you are really not smart enough to know who I am. But soon you’re going to know who I am,” the illegal immigrant warned. MORE

26 Comments on Illegal Alien Threatens Independent Journalist After He Was Asked Where He Was From: “You Find Out Who I Am Very Soon”

  1. Bushes ansdother leftist liars LIE! OPERATION WETBACK was a big success for working Americans! Because of the material reduction in crime the feds ran a surplus 3 of the next 4 years. Which in turn generated DEFLATION. Working Americans got a significant, TAX FREE, pay raise! Prices went down so you could afford more without a raise! The Biden/Bush folk – our betters – had a pay cut! THEY HAD TO PAY MORE FOR: chauffeur, cook, Gardner, maid ,etc!

    I have direct, personal, first hand knowledge of the great success of OPERATION WETBACK for working Americans. Was a teenager. My family had a big improvement in our living standard; as did ALL my friends!


  2. Americans should take note from Europe. Muslims have been on a quest, or jihad, to conquer other nations since approximately 600 AD. They’ve made inroads in many European countries and cities with the complicity of politicians. The same thing is happening here. There is absolutely no doubt that we will experience disastrous results from liberal / leftist policies now in place. It’s a given. Americans do not grasp the fanaticism and brutality of these people and may not be prepared for what is coming. What’s amazing is that politicians don’t seem to realize that they are considered “infidels” themselves and will be treated as such by the invaders.

  3. It’s not an “If”, it’s a When.
    We already knew that Terrorism is already here and just brewing to happen.
    It was only a matter of time before some border-jumping piñata-spanker, Feta-reeking cab jockey or a mindless, murdering muzloid stepped up to the plate and spoke up!

  4. They can find so-called “insurectionists” by looking at videos, but can’t seem find terrorists who threaten America while telling us: “that the border is secure”
    That’s when you know the real terrorists are in charge!

  5. “You can bet your life they’re planning something before the election.”

    It will happen on or before next October. Captain Brain Dead was caught on a hot mic telling someone they could not allow Texas from stopping the flow of “YOUNG MEN” into the country. Gee, why the emphasis on young men? It’s almost like they’re trying to get us killed or something. Honestly, in the last three months I’ve been forced to re evaluate what I need to keep my family safe.

  6. “By the way… If you are smart enough, you will know who I am. But you are really not smart enough to know who I am. But soon you’re going to know who I am,” the illegal immigrant warned.

    And “shoot first, ask questions later” came back in vogue that day.

  7. That’s not a Mexican or anyone from South America.

    You may very well see his face again for something he’ll be involved in.

    Looks and sounds Iranian to me.

    The world loves it when Democrats are in charge selling the country and it’s people down the pipeline of history.

  8. Wray indicated that there has been a significant uptick in reported threats following the attacks in Israel, cautioning the public to remain vigilant for lone actors.

    “So I encourage you to stay vigilant”, he says, as the border remains wide open under his and Magoo’s direction.

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