Illegal Aliens Forcing Chicago Police To Call For Backup – IOTW Report

Illegal Aliens Forcing Chicago Police To Call For Backup

Envolve: Backup Chicago Police units rushed to a Chicago police station yesterday morning after migrants “revolted” when officers tried to arrest another migrant for assault.

Several officers were battered and threatened by the ungrateful migrants who, if we still live in a normal country, would be on the first plane back to where they came

In Biden’s America, they will probably get a cash reward. “The whole camp tried to physically intervene and pull the offender from police,” an officer told CWB Chicago. “One migrant took a swing at a sergeant.

A CPD supervisor asked for more units to come to help with the revolt: “Line in front of the station, cameras on! Line in front of the station, cameras on!” more here

13 Comments on Illegal Aliens Forcing Chicago Police To Call For Backup

  1. I envision a scene in the near future that calling for “back up”
    would be about 10 truck loads of country boys with clubs and
    or shootin’ irons.

  2. 30 days to self deport. After that every encounter should lead to detainment and deportation on the spot. Break up families? Sure, that’s the point. Self deport before you get taken out one by one. I’m a legal immigrant and this illegal BS pisses me off!!!

  3. For me the interesting thing about that video is that it’s a perfect representation of what’s coming across our border. Military aged fighting men. I find it strange more people don’t find that concerning. Who’s planning what, exactly?


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