Illegal From Mexico Used Stolen Identity To Rip Off $300K In Government Benefits – IOTW Report

Illegal From Mexico Used Stolen Identity To Rip Off $300K In Government Benefits


DC-A Mexican national stole the identity of an American citizen and used it to bilk federal and local governments of more than $300,000 worth of disability benefits over more than 30 years, according to a plea entered Thursday in San Diego federal court.

The man — identified as 66-year-old Andres Avelino Anduaga — admitted that he assumed the identity of a Texas resident named Abraham Riojos in 1980, and then used Riojos’ information to apply for a California driver’s license, a Social Security number and a U.S. passport.

With those identification documents in hand, Anduaga applied for and received $361,000 in fraudulent benefits — which included Medi-Cal, food stamps and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) — from 1981 to 2016. His biggest take was from SSI, which are transfer payments designed to help elderly, blind, and disabled people who cannot work. Anduaga received $244,441 in SSI disability payments starting in 1988.

He also applied for assistance from California’s Medi-Cal program, which he was ineligible to receive as an illegal immigrant, and received $112,981 in benefits, according to the Los Angeles Times. Additionally, he illegally received more than $3,486 in food stamps under a county program.  THERE’S  MORE

11 Comments on Illegal From Mexico Used Stolen Identity To Rip Off $300K In Government Benefits

  1. Well, they have been claiming only 11 million illegals since at least 1981, 11 million X $361,000 = $3,509,000,000,000.
    Hey Mexico, please send us that amount in cash (no checks, please).

  2. Let’s see if I got this right … and illegal-alien invading rat-person did an illegal act after coming here illegally?

    WOW! Who woulda thunk it? Has anyone asked George Ramos what he thinks about it? Or !CHEB! Bush? Or Lindsay Graham? Or John McCain?

    Color me surprised!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Start canceling pensions of all politicians for giving away assets that belong to Americans. No one gave those elected to represent us permission to spend our money on people who have no legal right to it.
    Treason should be charged against any American who schemes to steal our votes by
    an invasion of illegal aliens.

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