The American Bar Association (ABA) has recently voted in favor of allowing illegal immigrants in America to take state bar exams to become licensed lawyers.
This standard is already in effect in seven states, but the recent resolution of the vote will provide guidance for others.
The ABA’s House of Delegates resolution, which was passed Monday, stated that the “American Bar Association supports the principle that bar admission should not be denied based solely on immigration status.”
RT reports that the ABA has suggested the resolution be passed into state law as, in its current form, it isn’t enforceable. The resolution states that the federal government should not obstruct states granting a legal license to anyone who passes the bar exam, even if they’re in the country illegally.
Attorney Cesar Vargas, the first illegal immigrant lawyer in New York, told RT “It provides guidance to courts and legislatures who are grappling with this [issue], and overall Congress itself, to say the legal profession approves of this.” read more
A warm up for Sharia courts? It’s coming.
Get ready for Spanish-only courtrooms next.
Hahaha Briefcase and file folders. Hitting the ground running.
Why is this not a surprise?
Anybody need any further proof that the ABA is an Anti-American, traitorous collection of maggots, pustules, grifters, and corruption?
The REAL question is: Why do we allow it?
5% of the World’s population and 95% of the lawyers.
WTF is wrong with us?
And we need MORE?
“Gee, Doc, my hemorrhoids are killing me.”
“Here! I’ll shove a ground-glass-and-sand covered cactus up your ass!”
izlamo delenda est …
And how long before we have our first ‘illegal’ judge appointed.
Hey ICE just saunter over to the courthouse and arrest them! They will be easy to spot as they will be speaking Spanish and carrying a briefcase full of tacos!
Affirmative Action run amok.
izlamo delenda est …
I’m surprised that the ABA recommended this. I read somewhere that there are some many lawyers (some would say a plague) graduating each year that only half will actually practice law and the rest end up ambulance chasing as the steep rise in their late night accident and injury TV advertising will attest. Unfortunately the same sort of thing has spread to Canada although not as much, yet.
I wonder whether any case argued by an immigrant could be appealed on the basis that a licensed lawyer should not be allowed to argue a case in the courtroom if he is guilty of a violating and continues to violate a federal law.
Sure that wasn’t the American Bar Owners Association that made that ruling after an all night bender and decadent hoop-de-doo? They would certainly have more credence than the Lawyers shill group (ABA)!
ABA is Post Holes Blowing Post Holes. The A is actually a biblical donkey.
I’m outraged. What’s next – criminals holding political office?
Gee, both government and the ABA are full of fucking lawyers and corrupt as hell- am I detecting a trend here?
The American Bar Association?
Must be running out of ambulances.
Plato was right………