Illegal Migrant/Pirates Hijack Tanker in Bid to Reach Europe, Special Forces Storm Ship – IOTW Report

Illegal Migrant/Pirates Hijack Tanker in Bid to Reach Europe, Special Forces Storm Ship

Breitbart: A tanker hijacked by migrants it picked up in the Mediterranean has docked in the tiny island nation of Malta following a special forces operation.

The El Hiblu 1 picked up 108 migrants from smuggler ships after receiving a distress call on Wednesday, according to reports.

Unlike the migrant “rescue” ships operated by pro-open border “civil society” non-governmental organisations (NGOs), however, the commercial vessel did not go hundreds of miles out of its way to bring its new passengers to Europe, but moved to land them safely in Africa, much closer by — triggering a furious reaction.

Six nautical miles off the coast of Tripoli, Libya, the ship abruptly changed course and began steaming north, in an apparent hijacking.

Matteo Salvini, Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, who has slashed illegal migrant landings and deaths at sea with tough love, Australia-style ‘stop the drownings by stopping the boats’ policy, insisted there was no way the migrants would be allowed to disembark in his country.

“These are not migrants in distress, they are pirates, they will only see Italy through a telescope,” he vowed.

However, the migrants were defended by Sea-Watch, a migrant ferry operator, which suggested they were acting “in self-defence against the deadly consequences forced upon them by Europe’s inhumane border policy.”  more here

5 Comments on Illegal Migrant/Pirates Hijack Tanker in Bid to Reach Europe, Special Forces Storm Ship

  1. ” “in self-defence against the deadly consequences forced upon them by Europe’s inhumane border policy.””

    Man’s inhumanity to man.

    Or something like that.

    Why is no one concerned with the safety and well being of the Captain and his legitimate crew and only with the migrants who (presumably) used or threatened violence against them to gain control of the ship?


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