Illegals aren’t shopping! Target blames Trump for lagging sales – IOTW Report

Illegals aren’t shopping! Target blames Trump for lagging sales

Does Target WANT to lose more money? Because this is how you lose money.


Breitbart: 2020: Julian Castro Takes Target Selfie after CEO Blames Trump for Lagging Sales.


After Target CEO Brian Cornell implied that President Donald Trump’s immigration enforcement—not the retailer’s transgender bathroom policy—was responsible for the company’s lagging sales, Julian Castro posted a photo of himself on a Target run this week.

“Strolling through Target with my loudest and proudest shirt on tonight. #Obama,” he wrote on his Twitter account after posting a photo of himself in an orange “Obama!” t-shirt.

Castro, the former San Antonio mayor who became former President Barack Obama’s Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, keynoted the 2012 Democratic National Convention and has been active in helping activists “resist” Trump’s agenda.

Should he decide to enter the 2020 field, Castro would be one of the party’s top contenders. His twin brother—Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX)—is in Congress.

“The Hispanic consumer in the U.S. is shopping much less,” Cornell reportedly said last week, implying that Trump’s immigration policies have made Latinos so afraid of being deported that they are even afraid to shop at Target. “They are staying home. They are going out less often.”  more

31 Comments on Illegals aren’t shopping! Target blames Trump for lagging sales

  1. Target will have to reinvent itself like Walmart is because pretty soon all that crappy Chinese junk is going to start disappearing from our shores.

    Target = assholes.

    (I am really boiling over today because of McCain’s vote and the overall asshattery of the Congress. And I was right from the beginning about Priebus.)

  2. Geez isn’t that a shame b/c the most important thing in our republic and in the lives of all American citizens is the volumes of diapers and toilet paper they move down @ Target

  3. He looks borderline retarded, his mama founded La Raza, and he doesn’t speak Spanish. Three things he is incapable of changing. Same with his twin brother. Even Hillary passed up the chance to pick him for VP. Buy him a safe Dem house district and give him a fidget spinner.

  4. You say shoplifting is down at Target?

    They tried to hammer my company for more margin recently in what we provide them and negotiations were fierce, but we’re walking away from them. They went with an inferior competitor who are going to lose their asses big league.

    Fuck em. Made me personally and quietly happy.

  5. Somebody must have chosen the wrong restroom, and stolen his mail server. The memos went out months ago, Mr. Cornell. It has nothing to do with Donald Trump. It’s all the Russians.

  6. Didn’t Sarah Palin get in trouble for using a Target symbol as a part of her campaign? Target is being paid back in spades by a defiant bunch of pissed off American shoppers (AKA The Deplorables) because of their failed policies. They bit off their nose to spite their face and they wholeheartedly deserve to go under.

  7. Illegals don’t shop at Target (and neither does Castro; his limo driver chauffeured him there).

    Illegals shop KMart and Walmart, bodegas and dollar stores. Target has too high a markup on items the others sell for less.

    Target’s key demo was white 29 year old divorces Moms who continue paying more at Target because Walmart feels too depressingly downscale and because KMart has been an all-black chain since the 90s.

  8. WalMart has an opportunity to woo back white American suburban shoppers with actual disposable income.

    Those shoppers were turned off by the illegals flooding the aisles (and skewing apparel and decor selections).

    Those shoppers were largely lost to Amazon. It will be interesting to see how Walmart tries to win them back.

  9. There are a LOT of reasons NOT to shop at Target! Pick one!
    This CEO has got be a major, BIG time Asshole to intentionally piss-off half their clientele!!
    First they kicked the Salvation Army off their property at Christmas time.
    (that’s all it took for me)
    Then he decides to promote “gender-neutral” toys for kids.
    Then came the Credit Card Data Breach.
    Then came the whole Transgender bathroom bullshit.
    Now the Illegals aren’t shopping there anymore because of Trump.
    Why are investors even putting up with a total flaming Asshole like this?!?! Maybe they’ll put up with it, but shoppers won’t. Target is turning into one expensive money pit for them! Better to have a boat than Target stock!

  10. This is actually a brilliant move by Target to get people with money back into their crappy stores; make us think the Mexicans aren’t there anymore! Great PR!

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