Illegals Camp in City Streets as Biden’s Shelters Overflow and Gang Violence Grows – IOTW Report

Illegals Camp in City Streets as Biden’s Shelters Overflow and Gang Violence Grows


President Joe Biden’s flood of poor migrants is overflowing taxpayer-funded shelters and streaming into city streets and parks, causing alarm among voters, families, and city officials alike.

“It’s a question on everybody’s mind,” said New York-based Dave Giffen, the executive director of the activist non-governmental organization, Coalition for the Homeless. “There’s unquestionably more people sleeping in public spaces now.”

As the number of migrants continues to grow in the Big Apple, authorities are beginning to become concerned over the number of border crossers who are choosing to live outside in tents instead of going into the city’s shelter system.

One such camp has sprung up in Randall’s Island where literally hundreds of tents are routinely pitched by illegal aliens. Another outdoor camp has sprung up under a highway overpass in Brooklyn. But there are many more such encampments, the New York Times recently reported. more here

9 Comments on Illegals Camp in City Streets as Biden’s Shelters Overflow and Gang Violence Grows

  1. Why the complaints? They should enjoy the results of their bleeding heart liberal leftist policies. After all, they touted themselves as a sanctuary city. Unfortunately leftists live in the moment, don’t consider the possible outcomes of their actions and don’t understand you can’t accomplish things with unicorn farts and rainbow light.

  2. The city of Spokane recently started enforcing vagrancy laws by kicking out a bunch of vagrant bums illegally camping under a railroad bridge underpass in downtown and the local left his blowing a gasket calling it unfair. Thank God, SCOTUS recently ruled against illegal camping in public areas. And they are also targeting campers and motorhomes that are illegally parked for more than 24 hrs. in one place and forcing them to move. There is a vacant lot about a block away from my house just off one of the main streets where a lot of ne’er-do-wells congregate that is an eyesore that the city is starting to move vagrants and mobile meth labs out of. It’s about friggin time to enforce common sense vagrancy laws and not let the inmates run the asylum.

  3. The American left is NOTHING if not EVIL! First, get folks used to using dope and taking handouts, then let them camp wherever they want, clean up after them and give them medical care and more dope, rigs, and sundries, plus more food and money to buy whatever bullshit they can’t steal. While they’re at it make it clear that stealing the stuff you need to get by won’t be prosecuted and all those little scrapes between bums don’t get prosecuted either.

    Then the evil fucks drop the hammer! No more camping wherever ya like! They still do the handouts and free dope stuff but nowhere to squat and shoot up! I only hope the evil extends to no more handouts of any kind for the bums, illegal or legal, local or from bumfuck, don’t care, run them off like we used to do!

    Oh, and, Illegal bums, head for the cities, on the run! Off with you, angels of darkie scumbaggery, to the cities, fly my monkeys, fly!


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