‘Illegitimate son’ of Bill Clinton wants DNA from blue dress – IOTW Report

‘Illegitimate son’ of Bill Clinton wants DNA from blue dress


Danney Williams, the black man from Little Rock, Arkansas, who has claimed since the 1990s to be the illegitimate son of former President Bill Clinton, is asking Monica Lewinsky for help in proving his parentage by providing DNA from the infamous blue dress.

In an announcement Williams was scheduled to make at a news conference Tuesday at the National Press Club in Washington, but released early at Radar Online, he said he wants Lewinsky to let him conduct DNA testing on the stain she testified came from a sex act she performed on Clinton at the White House on Feb. 28, 1997.

FBI documents confirmed it was a match for Bill Clinton’s DNA.

Williams, an Arkansas construction worker, told Radar he believes the dress is a vital clue to his bombshell claim that he’s Clinton’s son by an African-American prostitute.

“I’ve done my homework and I saw they returned the dress to her after the tests and I thought why not ask her for it. I’m praying on it that she will make this happen for me. I’m sure [the Clintons] hurt her as they hurt me.”

“I believe Hillary told my dad I would ruin her chances of being in the White House,” he continued in the interview. “I feel she cut him off from being in my life, but this isn’t political.”

He said, “I have been told my entire life that I am President Clinton’s biological son and I want my kids to know their grandfather.”

In his letter to Lewinsky, Williams said Clinton “provided cash support for me when I was a boy as well as having Arkansas State Troopers deliver Christmas presents to our home each year.”

He said his attempts to contact Bill Clinton directly went unanswered, and he was blocked when he tried through Facebook.

The issue, he told Lewinsky, “can only [be] resolved with a true, verified DNA test.”

He got no response to his public request that Bill Clinton provide a DNA sample.




9 Comments on ‘Illegitimate son’ of Bill Clinton wants DNA from blue dress

  1. I’m surprised. This day and age it couldn’t be that difficult to get some of Clinton’s DNA. Get a used tissue (a sneeze or a mouth wipe), a used glass, follow him and if he spits you’ve got your sample. I understand the public aspect of asking Lewinsky for it but if you want to do a quick, backdoor confirmation…

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