Illinois: Chicago Police union, suburban chiefs demand State’s Attorney Kim Foxx resign – IOTW Report

Illinois: Chicago Police union, suburban chiefs demand State’s Attorney Kim Foxx resign

DC: Chicago’s police union and a group of suburban chiefs demanded Thursday that Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx resign after prosecutors dropped charges against actor and alleged hate crime hoax perpetrator Jussie Smollett.

Duane Mellema, head of the North Suburban Association of Chiefs of Police, said the chiefs voted unanimously to declare they had “no confidence” in Foxx, reported The Chicago Sun-Times. His organization represents more than 30 departments.

The Smollett case did not start the discontent for the police chiefs, but instead became a symbol of the problems they had with Foxx.

“Our officers must explain your decisions not to prosecute to our local victims,” Mellema said. He also called the Smollett case “the straw that broke the camel’s back,” according to The Chicago Sun-Times.  MORE

6 Comments on Illinois: Chicago Police union, suburban chiefs demand State’s Attorney Kim Foxx resign

  1. I tend to think the Chicago police are doing everything they can to enforce the law and fight their crime problems, and that the Chicago politicians are doing everything they can to prevent them from doing it.

  2. Resign?

    But..she’s a black, female Democrat. In Chicago, Illinois.

    There’s only a couple of other boxes she can check off to be absolutely untouchable.

  3. If Kim Foxx starts cracking the whip, there will be a Chimp Out weekly in Chicongo.

    All Kim is doing is providing reverse representations, in an effort to keep her base chill.


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