Illinois: Cook County soda tax likely to be repealed – IOTW Report

Illinois: Cook County soda tax likely to be repealed

Chicago Trib: The controversial Cook County soda pop tax now has a likely expiration date of Dec. 1, with enough commissioners backing its repeal to override a veto by Board President Toni Preckwinkle.

Chicago Tribune


Twelve of the board’s 17 commissioners have now signed on to the repeal ordinance, slated for a key test vote on Tuesday. It takes 11 votes to override a veto.  more

11 Comments on Illinois: Cook County soda tax likely to be repealed

  1. How about a 1 cent a day tax on all US citizen residents or suburbanites crossing the line into Cook County? People will have to prove they’re illegals to skip the tax, but will receive coupons for large soft drinks and free immigration lawyers.

  2. They never learn. In ’93, the progs passed a “yacht tax”. What it did was crush the workers in the yacht industry.
    This is the difference between the progressives and conservatives. Progs assume that everything is static and if they impose a tax on a certain product or service, that the people will continue to purchase or buy at the same rate as before.
    But damn the bad luck for progs. People adapt and go with what is in their best interests, especially economic.
    These are truly insane people. They keep trying the same losing formula and expecting a different outcome. (See Einsteins quote.)

  3. “Even though I support the president, I think she’s she done an incredible job … I’m listening to my constituents, and my constituents are telling me they don’t like this tax, and they want it repealed,” Moore said. “I have to listen to my constituents.”

    Oh, so NOW you’re listening to your constituents?!?!?!? How many times in the past have you voted for crap that harms your constituents but your party wanted to have happen?

    Politicians – the instinct to survive is paramount.

  4. The only thing Chicago doesn’t tax is the air breathed by their citizens.
    Unfortunately, the largest breathers are also on food stamps, free public housing, subsidized electricity & transportaion, free heathcare, no “re-portable” income and illegal immigrants.

  5. So… The Professional Betters suggested a shiny, new tax. To pull millions more from the “voters” pockets. In addition to all the millions they already take. The voters said, unanimously, “Oh HAILS NO!” So, The Professional Betters said “Suck it. Pay me.” After the shocking plot twist (suggested by Harvey Weinstein, himself) that the “voters” didn’t like sucking it, The Professional Betters’ bagmen took up a collection to fix the newly created, amazingly unexpected, problem. By funding the recall elections of the “voter” molesters. Oh, wait… By funding opposition candidates, in the next election to replace the “voter” molesters? No? By funding primary challengers, in the next primary election to shift the “voter” molesters to different jobs in the same team? Still, no? By offering them a do over, so they can all keep getting paid by the “voters”? Oh, that’s it! And the league penalty for being such blatantly “voter” hating predators? How about paying them their full salaries, and counting the time against their retirement “service”? Brilliant! Do you think, maybe, some of the bagmen can include a little “re-election” sumpin’ sumpin’, after the curtain comes down on this performance? I’d think so.

    And that, cillens’, is how to effect “change” in government. Lesson learned? I thought so.

  6. Got a call from the American Heart Association asking for my support for the tax. I wonder who promised them what for those calls. At any rate, I’ll never give them another dime.

  7. Wait. WHAT? You can’t repeal a tax! There’s a RULE about repealing taxes. They’re permanent.

    I get it. They’ll call it a “temporary tax”. Like Springfield did a couple of years ago with the state income tax. Temporary, as in permanent.

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