Illinois Court Denies Religious Freedom from COVID Mandates after Democrats Rewrite Law to Codify Forced Compliance – IOTW Report

Illinois Court Denies Religious Freedom from COVID Mandates after Democrats Rewrite Law to Codify Forced Compliance

Envolve: A Democrat infested court in Illinois officially denied the religious freedom of the state’s citizens by confirming that they must comply with COVID mandates or face being fired from their jobs.

On OCt. 12, a three-justice panel of the Illinois First District Appellate Court ruled that the state’s conscience rules did not apply to Christians who opposed the Vax because the Democrats actually rushed to rewrite the law to specifically to exclude conscience as a reason to avoid the vax.

The Democrats, of course, have a super majority in both houses of the state legislature and also hold every top office of state government. So, they can pretty much do what ever they want. And they want to take all rights away from Christians.

The lawsuit the court ruled on was filed by Laura Lenz, who was fired from her job in 2021 at Advocate Christ Medical Center in suburban Oak Lawn. Lenz refused to take the jab, citing her religious beliefs. And she, among others filed lawsuits. more here

18 Comments on Illinois Court Denies Religious Freedom from COVID Mandates after Democrats Rewrite Law to Codify Forced Compliance

  1. The Socialist Republic of Illinois never ceases to amaze me, this is the result of Absolute control of every elected official in Illinois by the democrats.
    Illinois is lost for decades.

  2. I suppose that’s going to apply to schools as well. My son has thus far avoided the shot at college, suppose it’s a matter of time all my money paid to an IL college will be torched when he’s forced to drop because of their stinking mandates over a useless life killing shot.

  3. There comes a time for all men (and women) to decide just how important their freedom and independence means to them. We have passed that time. If everyone refused and walked away from their jobs, stopped attending events requiring the vax and just said no, things would change. Knowingly taking a shot with potential side effects and even death is insanity. Sheep or Wolf?

  4. “Democrats Rewrite Law to Codify Forced Compliance”

    Like the good little modern Nazis they are.

    Nazi is short for “The National Socialist German Workers’ Party”

    Tell what the hell is conservative about that? Nothing.

    The Dem party IS the modern Nazi party. No joke. Real deal.

    Nazis can go to hell and we might have to send them there to save the country.


    Is exactly right. Or as I like to say, when s a law not a law? When you can’t enforce it. Nobody in NorCal pays any attention to that faggot Governor we have. The bad thing is he still has access to our tax dollars.

  6. think i would argue the vax is not compatible with my chosen gender. then refuse to give my chosen gender. if forced by a court, my chosen gender is female aborted child from 1964 whose stem cells were frozen and later used for vax. then start wearing huge prophylactic boobs to work. make them build me a special bathroom with a tiny sink to capture the daily tears of being a female aborted child whose stem cells were used for the vax. argue im triggered by people asking and argue it as a form of racist harassment. take the money and runoft with a high end whore living high on the hog till its gone and go back and do it again. these people are insane.


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