Illinois criminal law is criminal – IOTW Report

Illinois criminal law is criminal

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11 Comments on Illinois criminal law is criminal

  1. Second worst crime you can commit in the United States right now is being a Trump supporter.

    Numero uno is being a black Trump Supporter. They get to experience Nazi and KKK tactics simultaneously.

    Shits getting real.

  2. ^^^^^^
    You are so poorly informed. You just keep beleiving what the MSM feeds you. That is the difference between conservatives and dumb ass liberals. Conservatives question everything.
    The Proudboys founder IS NOT WHITE. The ThreePercenters are chalked full of retired black military people. So are the Oath Keepers. Wondering why you never mentioned them.

  3. I heard earlier, that if a criminal runs away from a police officer, the officer is not allowed to pursue until after they have obtained permission to do so from headquarters.
    I just don’t know what to say, other than ‘why?’

  4. As this kind of stuff becomes common law across the country more people will use Guns for self defense and the gun “violence” statistics will go through the roof. And then the government will then have no choice but to confiscate guns for the safety of the “democracy”

  5. As the economy and planned shortages, along with the destruction of distribution centers, people will be forced into commiting crime just to eat!
    See how we’re being herded into the pen?
    Anybody want some Kung Pao Chicken??

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