Illinois Gov. Pritzker family owns stake in company providing COVID-19 tests – IOTW Report

Illinois Gov. Pritzker family owns stake in company providing COVID-19 tests

Geller Report—

Smelly AF.

Pritzker family owns stake in company providing COVID-19 tests

Matthew Rago, Editor-in-Chief, NEIU Independent, May 18, 2020.
A private capital group owned by the Pritzker family possesses a stake in a COVID-19 testing, according to the Pritzker Group Private Capital website.

According to the company’s website, PathGroup, which describes itself as one of the largest “private providers of anatomic pathology and clinical lab services” in the United States, partnered with Pritzker Group Private Capital to recapitalize, or replace debt with stock, in 2016.

An announcement dated Aug. 1, 2016, reads:

“Pritzker Group Private Capital and co-investors including Vesey Street Capital Partners invested alongside PathGroup’s management team and pathologists, who continue to hold a significant ownership stake in PathGroup and will continue to lead the company’s growth as the preferred provider of comprehensive anatomic, clinical and molecular pathology services.”


8 Comments on Illinois Gov. Pritzker family owns stake in company providing COVID-19 tests

  1. well butter my butt & call me a biscuit! … never saw that coming

    why it’s like Pelosi’s husband’s company profited, to the tune of 4 billion bucks, on supplying the US Military during the Iraq War

    it’s also the reason that HydroxyChloroquine isn’t being pushed … no money in it … but, they only have our best interests at heart

  2. It’s much bigger then that. Follow the leads down the rabbit hole and you’ll discover the biggest ponzi scheme ever foisted on a society…..THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY, but more specifically the health insurance industry….Warren Buffet ain’t a bazillinare because he didn’t invest in the insurance industry. Hell, that’s the lions share of his portfolio….Need it, mandate it, deny coverage, deny payment, deny treatment and then shrink the choice of providers that are mostly staffed by paper pushers…..FFS….

    I truly believe this is the last shot to keep Trump from being reelected, but have you seen any discussion/concerns about health care and the costs during this fake pandemic?….hmm hmm hmm….

  3. our government is made up of crooks?

    where is all the media on this?

    isn’t it their job to keep the public informed of these situations?

    funny the msm is quiet about this.

  4. They bought in in 2016?
    How dafuq is that remotely corrupt?

    I once owned stock in Verizon – am I culpable for the illegal wiretapping done by the CIA, NSA, and FBI?
    Let’s get serious.
    Plenty of reasons to hate Pritzker without making shit up.

    izlamo delenda est …

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