Illinois House Committee Moves Strict New Gun-Dealer Regulations Forward – IOTW Report

Illinois House Committee Moves Strict New Gun-Dealer Regulations Forward

WFB: The Illinois House Judiciary Committee voted in favor of a bill that would create strict new regulations for gun dealers on Tuesday.

Senate Bill 1657 passed through the committee on a 7-6 vote. It will now be sent to the House floor for final consideration.

The bill would require that anyone who sells more than nine guns per year to obtain a special state license. The Illinois system would duplicate much of the federal system that already exists to oversee gun dealers but would add a number of additional costly measures as well.

The proposed system would likely add thousands of dollars in fees for gun dealers and ensnare gun owners who would not otherwise be considered gun dealers under federal rules. The National Rifle Association (NRA) has come out in opposition to the bill warning it will put many local gun dealers out of business.  more

18 Comments on Illinois House Committee Moves Strict New Gun-Dealer Regulations Forward

  1. Jeff Sessions needs to look into Illinois blatantly denying Constitutional guarantees to Illinoisians.
    If Illinois voted to, say, limit the 14th Amendment, for instance, would not the DoJ (and the media) be throwing a screaming shit-fit?

    Well, an attack upon one is an attack upon all.

    Where are the fukkin Feds when you actually need em?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The Right absolutely HAS to reclaim the language.
    Proposed unconstitutional laws infringing the 2A are not “strict”. The Right should instead be using “outrageous”, “unconstitutional”, “insane”.

    “Strict” is one of the Left’s focus-group-approved Pysch-conditioning terms.
    Chosen to persuade the listener that these are legitimate powers which the State has authority to impose. “Crackdown” is another.

    We of the Right cannot win the culture wars until we consciously refuse to allow the Left to dictate the language, terminology and concepts of the cultural battlefield.


  3. Note to the Mayor and politicians of Illinois. Hey jackasses, go to the web page ‘ Heyjackasses and look at the statistics for Chicago. To date 213 shot and killed, 1038 shot and wounded, The gagge bangers don’t purchase their guns at gun store, even though obama and Hpolder did.

  4. The bankrupt and corrupt state of Illinois acknowledges government limits or restrictions on the rights of citizens. The democrat controlled state can only hope the Republican Governor will veto the latest democrat attempt to nullify the Constitution.

  5. A few weeks ago, I was in the process of buying “another” stainless Springfield 1911, .45acp.
    Luckily there are other firearms manufacturers who make excellent 1911s and they also support the 2nd Amendment.
    Even though I am just one person, there are consequences to your actions.

  6. cato

    Les Baer. 5 times the quality for an additional $600.00 over the cost of a Springfield. I’d love to have a commander sized Les Baer for a carry gun, but I can’t. The reason I can’t is because California long ago did just what Illinois is doing now. It’s a vehicle for state legislatures to establish any damn gun restriction they want at any time. Of the many dumb ass gun laws California has one of them restricts your handgun purchases to their “Approved List”. And that list gets smaller every year.

  7. “restricts your handgun purchases to their “Approved List”.”

    Unconstitutional. Not the only state that does that, too.


    I have a whole spiel ready for the lib that thinks this is good.

    Go ahead, let’s do what you ultimately want – let’s wave a wand and eliminate all guns as if they never existed and no one even thinks of making another one. How more complete of a gun ban could you possibly imagine?

    Now I have a mini crossbow in a holster that will f__k you and all your friends up.

    “Then we ban those.”

    Ok. Let’s wave the magic wand again and wish them out of existence – no one has a x-bow and know one even thinks of making one.

    Now I have a sword that will f__k you and your defenseless friends up pretty quickly.

    “No problem. We ban swords and knives.”

    OK. Let’s take that to the extreme and wave the magic wand again. No one has a metal blade of any sort and no one even thinks of making one. Cool? Is that what you think will make everyone safe?

    Now me and 5 other large men walk down your street and do whatever we want, since you are unlikely to have enough muscle to stop us. We can take whatever we want after throwing a rock through your window and gain entry to your abode. Your women and belongings are ours now.

    What will you do to stop that now?

    The last lib I did this with grabbed his GF of matching size (120lbs) and went in the hallway to heatedly say why he had to leave immediately. He had no response to my last scenario.

    Funny how they can’t handle the truth.

  8. Cato – I think one needs to consider if a Republican politician in Illinois is a Republican anywhere south of there. Like NY – Mike Bloomberg was elected a Republican. Riiight.

    Just sayin’

  9. cato,

    I have two Government size Les Baers. But I have a buddy that has a commander. Black gun with ivory grips. A Beautiful weapon. I swear I shoot that 4.25 barrel better than I shoot the 5 inchers.

  10. We have draconian laws here to get and maintain small
    arms here. But it is all related to IDs/permits/registrations.
    That being said, I can have anything that is legal under
    the federal laws. I can even apply for class 3 license and
    weapons. We’ve also concealed carry, castle doctrine,
    and open carry.
    I do feel for you guys in the STATES that don’t have the
    same rights as I do in a territory. I can carry just about
    everywhere but on the military bases, but they would have
    to catch me to see if I’m carrying. 🙂

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