ILLINOIS: Jeanne Ives Concedes Stunningly Close Illinois Primary Race to Bruce Rauner – IOTW Report

ILLINOIS: Jeanne Ives Concedes Stunningly Close Illinois Primary Race to Bruce Rauner

BREITBART: GLEN ELLYN, Illinois — State Rep. Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton) conceded the gubernatorial primary to incumbent Republican Governor Bruce Rauner just after 10:30 p.m. Central time– after coming tantalizingly close to an upset victory.

Ives, who began the race as a virtual unknown, and trailed Rauner by more than 44% in January, surged in the last several weeks and lost 51.7% to 48.3% — less than 4% behind the wealthy, self-funding incumbent who had the party establishment on his side.


“Today, the popular revolt against the political ruling class fell just a bit short,” Ives told a packed crowd of supporters at the Abbington Banquet Hall. “But I am very proud.”

Ives beat all the polls — including her own internal polling, which showed her within 7 points late last week.

A half hour earlier, Rauner took the podium at his own victory party to declare that he had won — even though none of the major news networks had called the race.

“This primary election was hard fought,” Rauner said, congratulating his opponent.

He may have felt provoked to act when Ives’s running mate, State Rep. Rich Morthland (R-Cordova), told supporters just before 10:00 that she would not concede because there were still many votes to count in the “collar counties,” the traditionally Republican counties that ring Democrat-dominated Cook County, where Chicago site. MORE

6 Comments on ILLINOIS: Jeanne Ives Concedes Stunningly Close Illinois Primary Race to Bruce Rauner

  1. Illinoisans are still being held hostage by the corrupt Chicago political machine. They want the Trump Effect in Illinois. Taxes are though the roof and there is blight and flight, especially in alot of small cities. Illinois almost escaped. Disappointing.

  2. “You know, comrades,” says Stalin, “that I think in regard to this: I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.” — from Boris Bazhanov’s Memoirs of Stalin’s Former Secretary


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