Illinois: Judge who let clerk hear cases is deemed ‘mentally unable’ to do job – IOTW Report

Illinois: Judge who let clerk hear cases is deemed ‘mentally unable’ to do job

ChicagoTribune: The Cook County judge who let a law clerk wear her robe and hear traffic cases this summer was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and can no longer perform her duties, the state board that oversees judges said in documents Friday.

The Judicial Inquiry Board charged that Judge Valarie Turner has memory loss and is “mentally unable” to do her job. The board made no accusation, however, that Turner had engaged in misconduct when she allowed law clerk Rhonda Crawford to put on her judicial robe and hear three traffic cases during the afternoon court call at the county courthouse in south suburban Markham.

At the time, Crawford had won the Democratic primary for the 1st Judicial Subcircuit and was unopposed in the general election.

In a filing with the Illinois Courts Commission, the board said the commission should simply take “appropriate” action against Turner. read more

7 Comments on Illinois: Judge who let clerk hear cases is deemed ‘mentally unable’ to do job

  1. It goes on in Deeetroits too, The only reason it isn’t solved is because the players are corrupt afro. Don’t allow them to use it as an asset, When it appears its immediate dismissal. Its all big time racist out of the inner city, Time for Whitey to clean it all up and forget Fox, MSNBC, CNN, etc..

  2. “The board said the commission should simply take “appropriate” action against Turner.”
    That means send her home to sit on her ass and give her a massive bloated Illinois civil service pension.*

    *Illinois has hundreds of thousands of civil service pensioners making over $100,000 a year.

  3. Illinois where corruption reigns supreme.
    Comparatively, this act, although against the law, is peanuts to what takes place in Cook County. If it weren’t for corruption, there wouldn’t be any law at all in Cook County.

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