Illinois’ Longest-Serving State House Speaker in America Losing His Grip on Power – IOTW Report

Illinois’ Longest-Serving State House Speaker in America Losing His Grip on Power

PJM: You’ve probably never heard of Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan. And that’s just the way he likes it.

Madigan, nicknamed the “Velvet Hammer” has served as Democratic House speaker almost continuously since 1983. The key to his longevity has been his low profile and a political machine that’s legendary, even among Democrats. Madigan has dominated politics in Illinois for nearly 4 decades, putting the fear of God in some, schmoozing others, and always keeping the money flowing into his own — and party — coffers.

Now it appears that a huge influence-peddling scandal may finally bring down the speaker, as Democrats are abandoning Madigan. Disappointing results from the recent election are being blamed on the corruption case swirling all around the speaker, but not touching him — yet. But the federal investigation into utility giant ComEd that uncovered a scheme to give no-work jobs and internships to Madigan allies in exchange for favorable legislation is what’s convincing Democrats from Governor Pritzker on down that Madigan has to be thrown under the bus. read more

11 Comments on Illinois’ Longest-Serving State House Speaker in America Losing His Grip on Power

  1. I knew someone who had been the chief engineer at a Chicago radio station. After he started there he was doing his payroll for the first time. There was someone’s name but the guy had never been seen at work. The CE was going to fill out the payroll accordingly. He was told that the guy had strong union connections (his father had founded a big Chicago Local) and he was to remain on the payroll at full pay no questions asked.

    That’s just how Chicago operates.

  2. And this scandal saw the light of day? How? Somebody in the media effed-up. Either that, or it is so massively scandalous that it couldn’t be swept under the rug. ORRRR, he crossed the wrong dude.

  3. Don’t be fooled,
    Madigan is being asked to step down as chairman of the state’s Democratic Party.
    He can do that without stepping down as Speaker.
    He is still planning on running for speaker again

  4. When the media is part of the scam, you have to be very careful out what media you trust: and know that if it’s a big media organization, it’s corrupt on its face, or it wouldn’t be in the position it is in now.

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