Illinois State Board of Education Asks for $19 Billion, More Than Half the State’s Total Budget – IOTW Report

Illinois State Board of Education Asks for $19 Billion, More Than Half the State’s Total Budget

WFB: The Illinois State Board of Education is asking for $19.3 billion next year to adequately fund public schools, an amount of money equal to more than half the entire existing state budget.

If lawmakers granted the board full funding, it would represent an 86 percent increase in state money for Illinois’ public schools. In a release, the board said $11 billion would close the entire state funding gap and the rest would go to universal preschool, teacher retention programs, career-oriented learning, and other projects.

“The deep structural inequity in Illinois’ schools today did not happen by accident,” State Superintendent of Education Tony Smith said in a statement. “Institutional decisions, both historical and ongoing, produce disparate and statistically predictable educational outcomes for Illinois students.”

Homewood Democratic Rep. Will Davis said the state can’t afford that price tag, but he’s optimistic that lawmakers can allocate more funding than last year.  read more

17 Comments on Illinois State Board of Education Asks for $19 Billion, More Than Half the State’s Total Budget

  1. $19 billion! That is almost enough to build the whole border wall! Build it, and not just Illinois, but every other state will save many more billions due to not having to educate all the new illegals and anchor babies.

  2. Our public schools suck so bad that our child refuses to go to the grocery after school in her uniform from Catholic School. I’d guesstimate that around 50% of the time perfect strangers approach us wanting to compare and contrast the public and private schools. 100% of these times I do not hold back one iota. The local “school” district employees work very hard at worshipping themselves. They are the BEST teachers in the State of Illinois(the most complicit). You could not pay me enough money to ever put a kid in the public schools in Illinois.

  3. “…..universal preschool….” Ummmmmm, do you mean free childcare? tanstaafl.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

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